Givng way to peer pressure???

Tuesday December 18 2012:

Luke 6:39.  “What good is it for one blind person to lead another?  The first one will fall into a ditch and pull the other one down also.”

Jesus used this statement, metaphorically, to create an awareness  of the danger of following a leader who may lead us astray.  Often we follow others who do not deserve our trust never mind our devotion.  I see this happen in young people or those who have a low esteem of themselves.  This is where peer pressure is prevalent.

When I was out of fellowship with the Lord, I made several friends who were single, ‘game’ for anything and irresponsible.  Several times they were able to talk me into doing things that were against my moral standards.  The action of agreeing to be involved in their actions was like falling into the ditch that Jesus talks about here.

 The people I was with had closed eyes to spiritual things and even though I was spiritually astute, my flesh was weak, as a result I made bad decisions.  This type of behavior is prevalent in teens today, especially if  parents are negligent at working at a relationship with their young people.  Our responsibility is to guide and teach our young teens a truth that cannot be disproved or destroyed.  The secret is to be strong in our faith and follow and teach that faith to our offspring.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am so thankful that you have provided your book of truth, the Bible, for our benefit.  Help me to live by your laws and teach them to our children and grandchildren. I pray that others may see your precepts in my life.  Help me to be strong in truth and not to be duped by anyone who wants to me to stray from your Word. In Jesus name, Amen.

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