Are you a pretender?

Thursday November 1 2012:

1 Peter 2:1.  “So get rid of all malicious behavior and deceit.  Don’t just pretend to be good!  Be done with hypocrisy and jealousy and back stabbing.”

Do you know any Christians who “religiously” attend church, give their tithes every week, and say all the right things on Sunday to others and the Pastor?  Are you one of those people?   Then when it comes to  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday the faith is difficult to see?

If we try to live a Christian life by our own power, we can become a hypocrite very easily.  To live a true life as a believer all the time, we need to change from the inside.  It is impossible to fool all the people all the time and it is impossible to fool God!

To get rid of hypocrisy and jealousy we need the presence of the Holy Spirit.  We need to pray for an increased desire to be closer to our Lord and Savior.  He will make it possible to live a life that is pleasing to him, not one filled with jealousy , back stabbing or hypocrisy.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I want you to fill me with a hunger for you, a desire to be close to you and to be rid of anything that might hinder our relationship, like jealousy or deceitfulness. Help me to love others just as you do and see their good qualities.  I love you , Lord and want your will in my life.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Grumbling and complaining about others!!!

Wednesday October 31 2012:

James 5:9.  “Don’t grumble about each other, my brothers and sisters, or God will judge you.”

The temptation to grumble about someone we know is fierce and happens often!  It makes us feel superior and better than them but it is sin!

Instead of grumbling, we are to build others up, speak only good to them and about them!

I have attended prayer meetings and witnessed them being used as gossip sessions in the name of asking for prayer for a particular person. We know, it is not necessary to be detailed about someone else’s problems. God already knows about their problems and all the details, it is not our responsibility to discuss them at length.  A simple request for strength or courage or health or wisdom, whatever the area is, is all that’s required.

We also must not grumble to one another about someone else or we will be judged by God, is what James tells us.  Keep our complaints about someone else to ourselves or just be available for that person to come to you and talk if they desire to do so.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly  Father, I thank you for also being a God of judgment as well as merciful and gracious and forgiving.  We are to reverence you and “fear” you in a reverent way.  One way is to obey your precepts and listen to your inspired Word.  Help me to speak only good about others and not to grumble about anyone else.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Protection from troubles and songs of victory.

Tuesday October 30 2012 :

Psalm 32:7.  “ For you are my hiding place:  you protect me from trouble.  You surround me with songs of victory.”

What a glorious comfort to live a victorious life!  Only in God can we truly experience the freedom of victory!

This Psalm confirms the freedom available to us when we come “clean” with God.  When we confess our innermost secrets and seek forgiveness for our rebellion against the honesty that God desires in us.

Today we need to start living a more transparent life, exposing our honest selves, the “real” you, so to speak,  hiding nothing that causes a gap in our relationship with our Creator.

Allow the Holy Spirit to surround you with songs of victory so that nothing can interfere with your relationship with God. It is when we allow deceit to be a part of our lives that the gap begins and as we allow this to continue the gap becomes wider until we find ourselves wandering further and further away from our Saviour and the protection of his hiding place.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, Thank you for your protective hand upon me and for surrounding me with your songs of victory!  When I am surrounded with your victorious music, I know I am safe from the evils that are ever present.  Help me to be transparent with you and my loved ones and friends so that you may be glorified.  Thank you for allowing me to be in your hiding place, a place of safety.  I want our relationship to grow so I ask you to keep me close to you.  In Jesus name. amen.

Why do we murmur and complain?

Monday October 29 2012!

1 Peter 3:8 “Finally, all of you should be of one mind, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds.”

I visit churches frequently and while I enjoy celebrating the differences and similarities in different denominations, the thing that is most disturbing to me is the unrest and negativity that exists among many adherents.  It often seems to start in the music department.  Some say the songs are all too new and contemporary and others say the hymns are too old and can’t be understood by the new Christians.  There are complaints about the musicians and singers that range from, too impersonal,  too loud,  too soft,  too fast or too slow!

There are those who murmer and complain about everything from the Pastor’s wife’s wardrobe to her hairdos or the way she communicates.  There seems to be evident jealousy and selfish ambition in many situations. It must grieve the Holy Spirit to see the misuse of his people in this way.

Peter is reminding us  how our attitude should line up with the will of God. Surely it is not God’s will for us to whine and find fault in the people he has put in our sanctuaries to worship with us?

How can we change this?  It can only start in our own personal attitude towards others.  We can only change ourselves!  Today, let us check our conversation and ask the Lord to direct our thoughts and conversation.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, Forgive me for finding fault in your children, especially those who are giving their time to lead congregations in worship and are desiring to do your will.  Help me to be in harmony with your children and to be tender hearted and humble towards them.  Thank you for the people in my church who are willing to give of their time and talent so that I might enjoy you more fully.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Come and see what the "Scrambler" is up to. Part 2!

Weekend Read:
Part 2 of The Scrambler:
On the day Papa Gander decided to give the lesson on swimming and diving, everyone followed instructions very well. If Papa dived, they all dived exactly the same way.  When Papa flapped his wings as if he was going to take off, they all flapped their wings too.  It was great fun. splashing each other and trying to emulate Papa to see which one could flap the most like him.  They all tried very hard, except for Scrambler. He seemed to be more interested in a strange four legged animal chasing birds and other geese in the water. It looked like a lot of fun and he tried to get into the game but just as he felt like he was making friends and able to participate, Papa was at his side, and again, lecturing on the importance of listening and paying attention. “Oh dear, he thought,  “Papa was angry again.”
Sometimes “The Scrambler” felt like all the instructions his parents valued were a drag! He really didn’t want to be bothered with the details and specific strategies on what to do “in case” you found yourself in a dangerous situation or accept the responsibility of learning this “stuff” !
One day Papa announced it was time for a flying lesson. This excited the Scrambler because he had tried to fly on his own but he had found it difficult to maneuver his wings and catch the correct wind current that seemed to lift the elders off the ground effortlessly.   He decided, today he would really pay attention and listen. He had such a deep desire to fly. To him this truly was freedom and independence.
It was quite a day. The Scrambler and his siblings lined up and intently observed papa’s instructions. Scrambler was trying very hard to concentrate and started flapping his wings just as Papa instructed him to.  It wasn’t too long before he successfully left the ground and realized he was actually rising above it and the green grass and pond were beneath him. What a wonderful sensation. He knew he had been born to fly! He never wanted to stop or land. He loved it up here and felt he was capable of conquering the world!
.  He just kept flapping his wings and soaring in the breeze.  Before long he discovered a new level of confidence and independence in his ability.
In his quest to be free from responsibility he forgot about his family and the leadership and training he had received from his parents. The Scrambler, who quickly gained a high level of confidence knew he was ready to fly on his own. Being a team member and belonging to a family became trivial and listening to authority was boring. He wanted to experience living life to the fullest and he knew his parents would not allow him to become who he really was. Listening and learning had become such a chore for the Scrambler that his longing for independence overcame any responsibility towards his family.
End of part 2
Part 3 after next week!

Everyone is loved by God!

Friday October 26 2012:

James 3:13.  “If you are wise and know the ways of God, live a life of steady goodness so that only good deeds will pour forth.”

James emphasizes the concept of acting out our faith.  The instruction to believe and accept Jesus to be saved, is true!  But to live a fulfilled  Christian life, it is important to act out our faith!  If we just sit around and utter the words of faith and salvation how will others know the love of God? 

We cannot convey the love, grace and mercy of our Lord by only preaching and praying.  We must show our faith by doing good deeds and helping others in need or some similar action.  Our “goodness” needs to be evident for the unbeliever to witness.
I have often heard unbelievers “bad-mouth” Christians by accusing them of being self righteous and pious and, indeed, many believers think of themselves as being better than non-believers.  We are all sinners and Christ died for all, there are just some who have not accepted this joy yet!  One day we will all stand before God and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus  Christ is Lord! Christians used to be unforgiven sinners too but God loves us all the same!

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, thank you for being so kind but I also thank you for other Christians who have enabled me to become a better person and those who have helped me along the way materially and spiritually.  Help me to show your love by being helpful to those who need it.  Help me to be sensitive to the leading of your Holy Spirit to go to those in need whom you have put in place for me to help. I pray that my hands will be helpful when they need to be.  In Jesus name, Amen.

When we look back........He was there!

Thursday October 25 2012:

Deuteronomy 1:31.  “And you saw how the Lord your God cared for you again and again here in the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child.  Now he has brought you to this place.”

Where has the Lord brought you from?  What has he led you through?

As I reflect on my life, I can see the evidence of God’s hand in many circumstances. 
When I wandered away, he was still with me. 
When I traveled through the valleys he led me through.
When I lost precious loved ones, He walked by my side. 
When I didn’t know where to turn, he opened doors for me to walk through.
He enabled me to put one foot in front of the other, to keep going forward!
He gave me the strength I needed,
The courage to pursue
The encouragement I craved to reach the goal!

I learned:
If we trust him and allow him to lead, he does!
If we listen to his voice and are willing to follow where he leads.
He will do it!

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your hand of mercy in my life. You care for me every day no matter what my circumstances are.  You are my Father, my Daddy, who loves me and you take me through each wilderness that life has to offer.  Thank you for loving and caring for me.  In Jesus name, amen.

Accept others just as Christ accepted you

Wednesday October 24 2012:

Romans 15:7.  “So accept each other just as Christ has accepted you;  then God will be glorified.”

Isn’t it great to know Christ accepts us just as we are?  Paul says, Christ died for us while we were still sinners
Even though I accepted Christ as a young child, I became a rebellious teenager and strayed from my Christian upbringing.  Before I re-committed my life to Christ and made the decision to  live a life that is pleasing to him, I spent many years sinking in the miry clay of sin.  I justified living a sinful life by telling myself I deserved fun and “happiness”.  Many times I neglected my husband and family to pursue the things of the world.  

I am so thankful that Christ still loved me even when I lived a selfish life.  When I finally realized the things of the world offered no satisfaction and lasting joy, I cried out to God to deliver me out of this pit I had dug myself into.  He did not judge or belittle me, He simply lifted me out, gently and set my feet on the Rock (Jesus).  How wonderful for him to welcome me back home without question.

We are to accept others just as Christ accepts us.  Paul tells us through this, God will be glorified.  So often we judge other Christians and find fault with them, even to the extent we spread gossip about them instead of loving them back into the Kingdom.  We need to work on accepting others just as they are and leave the judging to the Holy Spirit who will do the convicting and them to repentance.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your grace which accepts me just as I am even though I have not done anything to earn it.  Your grace is free and liberally handed out each day.  Help me to be accepting of others and love them into your Kingdom without being judgmental.  I pray for wisdom to know when I need to be quiet and when I need to speak the truth to others. I know my job is to love them and I pray you will help me do this.  In Jesus name, amen.

Being hands and feet that God can use!

Tuesday October 23 2012:

1 John 4:12.  “ No one has ever seen God, but if we love each other, God lives in us and his love has been brought to full expression through us.

We are the feet, hands and mouths of God.  How, then, should we conduct our lives?

I feel so blessed for the privilege of living on the west coast during the winter months where the temperature is considerably warmer than on the prairies.  The warmer temperatures, however, help to increase the number of homeless people who live on the streets.  As I walk by them downtown, I often whisper the prayer, “God help them.”  But if that is all I do, who will actually physically help them?  It is only through us and by us that the poor and needy can be helped.  I need to do more than pray for them!

I have a dear friend, 86 years old who is my spiritual mentor.  She has much wisdom for the things of God. Last winter, she initiated a program that enables organized groups to collect food at regular intervals from neighbourhood houses and deliver it to a community food bank so the needy can come and collect the necessary food for their family. This program is considered a huge success.  She said it occurred to her that people are willing to give but don’t have the time to deliver the food to the food banks so she is providing the means to obtain the needed food.

Perhaps there is something similar or something totally different but needed, for you to become involved in, so that we can become the hands that God needs or the eyes, or the mouth and feet.  We need to become involved
Heavenly Father, I’m so thankful that you care about the homeless and the poor and needy.  I pray for a right attitude toward them.  Help me not to belittle them or look down on them.  I want to remember them with love  and I want to be used by you for them.  Help me to seek your will and be ready to help in any way that you want me to. Help me to show your love to everyone and do what I need to.  In Jesus name, amen.

Becoming less so God can become more in my life!

Monday October 22 2012:

2 Corinthians 3:18   “...............And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory.”

“Make me More like You Jesus,  Take my Life and Let it Be,  Lord Make me an Instrument for You”  All these wonderful worship songs we sing and we ask to be more like Jesus and indeed, that is our goal!  Paul tells us, as we allow the Spirit to work within us, we will become more like him.

I am aware I was created with a strong and somewhat stubborn mind.  My husband often reminds me of this.  I used to wonder and ask God why he created me this way and I came to the realization, as I grow spiritually, I am learning to give up my stubborn nature and let it go. 

As I continue to work at this  I sense progress, I sense the glory of the Lord becoming stronger in me.  As I let go, God takes over!  I am aware of my stubborn nature and selfishness becoming more faint.  I realize this is a process that I need to allow to happen.  Were it not for the actual process, I would never experience the struggle of letting go. Yes! it is a struggle at times but the product at the end is worth it all! If I continue  barging ahead on my own path without allowing God to control, I will never become what God intended me to be.  As I let more and more of my “self” go, I become more and more like Christ and this is the goal of my life, How about you?  Are you willing to let go and let God take control?

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am so thank full that I am your child and you are my Father.  You are the potter and I am the clay and even though it has taken me many years to allow you to be Lord of my life, I have experienced much learning through the process.  I thank and praise you for having patience with me and loving me through it all.  I want to become more like you, Jesus.  I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

The Scrambler, A story

A Story in Three parts:
Written by Adena Paget,
Once there was a magnificent Gander who fathered a, near perfect, family of goslings. There were five to be precise.  He was such a proud Papa and his beautiful “bride” and partner for some time now, had diligently sat on those five little eggs and kept them warm and safe for the time required to incubate and hatch them.  It had seemed like forever, waiting in anticipation for the shells to begin cracking open to reveal  the wonderful offspring!
Everyone in the entire gaggle came to ogle and admire the new offspring.  Of course there were several other families who also had new families but none were as handsome or clever as his own dear family of five, three males and two females.
When the happy pair first observed the fascinating miracle of each special creation appear, wet feathers and eyes that could not focus yet and little spindly legs that were wobbly, they wondered if they would ever be able to walk, never mind fly! They were especially taken with the last little gosling that broke out with such determination that it brought a giggle from both parents as they watched in anticipation. Even before he was out of his shell he was scrambling to go. Ever after he was always called, “The Scrambler.”
The Papa gander walked around with his head held high and his chest puffed out because he was so proud of his wonderful family.
One day Papa decided it was time to start teaching them how to learn to live and survive on their own should they ever need to. He started slowly and carefully, first teaching them how to line up one behind the other with Mama at the end of the line to watch and make sure everyone “fell” in line and obeyed what their proud Papa was modeling for them. As he puffed out his chest and stretched his neck high, the little goslings all did the same: all that is, except The Scrambler who loved to trail behind and gawk at everything on the grass and in the sky.  It seemed he was born to dawdle and often forgot that the purpose of these exercises was to teach him valuable lessons that might save his life one day.
Among other interesting sights, Scrambler had become intrigued with  those small white balls that often flew through the sky above him, well, actually they weren’t all white, sometimes he saw bright pink or orange balls and once or twice he even saw blue ones.  He was definitely one who longed to do his own thing and was scolded again and again for not being attentive or listening to his Elders. This day in particular Father warned the offspring to dive into the deep grass for cover, just in time to protect them from one of those flying balls that the humans seemed to love to hit with a long stick they called a “club”. The Scrambler was much too interested in what was happening around him to hear the warning and just managed to escape the danger in the nick of time. Sometimes these white “balls” soared through the air at extremely high speed but he could never tell where they were going to land.  Other times they would just skitter along the ground bouncing in or over or through the creek where the Canadian Goose Family had settled and built their home.  Papa had repeatedly cautioned his little ones to watch and follow every movement and step he made but of course “The Scrambler” was so interested in the attempts the humans made to hit the balls that he forgot to watch his Papa.  It was his brave Mama that ran up and brushed him out of the way just in time. He heard it bounce where he had been standing and if his Mama hadn’t pushed him swiftly away, he would have been badly hurt or never even lived to discover the marvelous things life had in store for him. He was vehemently reprimanded and had to promise to be obedient in the future before he was allowed to continue to join his siblings.
He hadn’t meant to be disobedient or thoughtless but he really was intrigued by the humans that kept walking by his home on the short grass aisles that were everywhere, and wondered why they kept hitting these little balls with those sticks.
End of part 1:
Part 2 will continue the next weekend:

Watch your clothing!!

Friday October 19 2012:

Colossians 3:12.  “Since God chose you to be the holy people whom he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tender hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

I think we are guilty of forgetting God’s choice of making you and me to be his child!  He is our heavenly Father and deserves to be loved and adored.  Paul gives us lofty requests here and, by ourselves, this would be impossible to attain.  When we receive Christ as our Saviour, he gifts us with an indwelling Holy Spirit who enables us to be clothed with the attributes Paul commands us to have. 

I have noticed, when I wander from the closeness of my relationship with Christ, it becomes more difficult to be clothed with these fruits of the spirit.  As long as I rely on the Lord and welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit, he leads and guides me in the paths that bring peace and contentment and enables me to be clothed with these attributes.  If we desire these attributes, we must let the Holy Spirit lead; thereby confirming we are in line with God’s plan for our lives. Oh to be in line with the perfect plan God has ordained for my life!

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am grateful to be loved by you and yet I know I don’t have to do anything to receive your love, you give it freely.  Thank you Father for making me your child.  Help me not to take you for granted but to desire the attributes that give you pleasure.  Fill me with your Spirit so that I may be empowered to be all that I can be.  Make me more like Jesus, you Son.  In Jesus name, Amen.

More on the "tongue"!!!

Thursday October 18 2012:

Proverbs 25:23.  “As surely as the wind from the north brings rain, so a gossiping tongue causes anger.”

Why is there, at times, the insatiable desire to gossip about someone else?  Is it because we do not like the person we are gossiping about?  Is it to prove we know something about someone that another person may not know and we want to be the first to tell them?  Is it to let someone know that someone else has taken us into their confidence by disclosing some information to us?  Whatever the reason, you can be assured, it is not a valid one!
I can not and do not respect nor trust anyone who comes to me and tells me, “have you heard............?” or proceeds to tell me some secret about someone else’s faults, sins or actions.  I always find myself wondering what that person is saying about me when I am not around.

Gossip is a wicked sin that only brings destruction and harm to another person.  It is always wrong.  I have even been in prayer meetings where some have used the situation to relay imperfections and faults about someone else. I am not advocating the absence of realizing another friend’s sins but to broadcast these in a public meeting is not right!  If we are guilty of committing this sin, we lose respect and credibility with friends and acquaintances.  It causes a gap in the relationships we have strived to form with others and it causes a wedge in our relationship with Christ.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I praise you today for who you are, the Great Creator who made Heaven and earth and all the things upon it for our benefit.  Thank you for being my personal Saviour and sending Jesus down to make this possible.  I ask you today to help me be more like Jesus and give me the will power to remain faithful and true to Christ and to my friends.  I know I have imperfections that I don’t even know about and many that I do know about and yet I make blunders every day.  I am as vulnerable and sinful as the next person and I know you forgive me every day.  Help me to be an encourager not a discourager, and not tell tales that do not benefit others. Help my tongue to stay clean and pure.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Oh What trouble the tongue can cause!

Wednesday October 17 2012:

James 3:2.  “We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way.”

“There I go again, putting my foot in my mouth!”  I find myself in this predicament sometimes, do you?
Why is it we tend to say negative things about someone we know to another friend?  The trouble our tongues can get us into is astounding.  We blame the “tongue” but it is really our own minds that control the tongue. I remember an incident of being  told something by a friend in confidence and then  repeating the story to someone else!  Our friendship was damaged and it took a long time for my friend to confide in me again.  Why do we do this? Is it because we want to tell the world that someone likes us and trusts us? 

The tongue is that little organ that can get us into more and deeper trouble than any other part of our body.  It is so small and yet so mighty!

James tells us if we learn to control the tongue, we are able to control all other parts of ourselves.

I don’t know how many of you have struggles in this area.  As I become more mature with the years, I am learning to keep my tongue in control and life becomes less stressful.

  Let’s accept the challenge of keeping our tongues in control.  We will become more sensitive to the feelings of our friends and soon others will realize we really are safe to confide in. We need to always speak as if every one is listening, in fact, our Heavenly Father is listening and he is the one we want to please!

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father,  I am so thankful for the friends you have blessed me with.  I cherish them and never mean to hurt anyone but at times, Lord, I get carried away with telling stories that I shouldn’t be sharing.  Please forgive me for saying the wrong things and repeating things that have been shared with me in confidence.  Help me to become a better friend and keep confidences to myself.  Help me Lord, to control my tongue. In Jesus name, Amen.

Faith and Good Deeds

Monday October 16 2012:

James 2:17.  “So you see, it isn’t enough just to have faith!  Faith that does not show itself by good deeds is no faith at all- it is dead and useless.”

My Father quoted the Apostle Paul in many situations.  He was such a “Paulian” that he often neglected other parts of God’s inspired Word.  I recall discussions about ‘living ‘ your faith or showing your faith by your actions.

 He would say faith is enough in and of itself.  I would advocate good deeds are necessary to show our faith to others. I believe he did not fully understand what James is telling us in this scripture. James does not deny the importance of a belief but he confirms, only believing does not model our faith.  How can others ‘see’ our faith if it is not accompanied by good deeds. 

 James does not say that good deeds alone will save us but it is necessary to perform an action to show our faith. James tell us that faith without good deeds is dead and useless.

I have discovered, if I want real joy, I perform a good deed for someone else.  To do good anonymously brings greater joy and results in a deep peace and joy!  When we make an effort to bring happiness to someone else, it returns to us in abundance.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father I praise you today for who you are and for what you did for me.  You gave your life for me and shed your blood so that I can have eternal life and spend it with you.  While I am here on earth, help me to be what you want me to be.  Help me to have willing hands to do your work and perform good deeds.  I pray that others will see you through me because of my good deeds.  Thank you for being my guide and Saviour.  In Jesus name, Amen.

What is love?

Weekend Read Sunday October 14 2012;

Love To Others:
Adena Paget, 1999.

There’s the love we have for our offspring
And the love we share with our siblings
There’s the love we have for our Parents
And the love we have for our friends.

All of this love is so very real
Most times it’s evident how we feel
The word is ‘love’ and yet we’re confused
There are so many differences in how it is used
In the ancient Greek language the meaning was clear
With filio’s, eros and agape
But in our English tongue it’s rolled into one
And it causes our words to get sloppy

And yet in our lives there is nothing that’s greater
It makes our life worth living
And when it’s mature has been nurtured and grown
The pleasure is all in the giving.
For unless you are willing, to be generous and giving
And not hold on too tight
The love that was meant to make life worth living
Well; it just won’t be quite right
I guess we can say as we give it away
“I’m so glad to be part of the chain”
We receive it on one hand and give on the other
It often eases the pain
Love unconditional is never positional
It shouldn’t matter, who
For with Christ at the head in His Word, he has said
“My love I give unto you”.
As we journey through life with our worries and strife
Let the love of God reflect,
Off of you unto others our sisters and brothers
And just wait and enjoy the effect.

Hiding the Word in your heart

Friday October 11 2012:

Psalm 119:11.  “I have hidden your word in my heart; that I might not sin against you.”

I memorized this verse when I was a child.  I find most of the Bible verses I  remember are the ones I memorized as a little girl in Sunday school.  My Dad was my Sunday School teacher for many years and he impressed upon me to learn and memorize the scriptures.  I am ever thankful to him for insisting on that. I regret that I didn’t continue after I became an adult.

This winter, I was challenged by the Pastor of the church I attended to memorize the Book of James.  My first reaction was, “I’m too old to memorize now!” I questioned the reasoning behind memorizing when I could look it up and read it.  As I read my Bible soon after, I found many scriptures that instructed me to hide God’s Word in my heart.  I started the task of accepting the challenge.  I did not or have not ,as yet, memorized the entire book but I have memorized three chapters and I’m still working on the rest. I am discovering the usefulness of being able to recite these meaningful verses from time to time, when I don’t have my Bible with me.

It has been a rewarding experience for me to hide God’s Word in my heart.  I challenge you today to start memorizing a portion of scripture.  You will be blessed for doing it and you will be surprised how often the opportunity to use it will arise.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your Word!  It is my roadmap for life and it tells me how to live it.  When I have a question, the answer can always be found in the Bible.  Forgive me for taking it for granted and not taking the time to memorize new scriptures; to hide them in my heart.  Help me to remember more verses from your Word.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Don't judge a book by it's cover!!

Wednesday October 10 2012

1 Samuel 16:7  “People judge by outward appearances but the Lord looks at a person’s thoughts and intentions.”

Aren’t you thankful the Lord does not judge us by our looks, what we wear, or how, overweight, underweight, puny or large we appear, whether we have stylish coiffures or straggly hair?  Whether we wear expensive outfits or hand-me-downs?

I recently heard about a study being researched regarding employer hiring.  Through various means, it was established that people who were attractive were often preferred and hired before people who were, in some cases, better qualified but not as attractive.  We are appalled by this statistic and yet, I fear, many of us are guilty of the same thing.  When I managed a ladies wear retail store, I often hired salesgirls for their attractiveness instead of their qualifications.  I’m sure this truly happens often in many companies.

Aren’t you glad God sees the inside of us and does not judge us by our outward appearances? Could we be more Christ like in this area and perceive others for who they are instead of what they look like?

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am so thankful that you see my thoughts and intentions instead of my outward appearance and outward actions.  Help me to become what you created me to be so I can be beautiful to you.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Why should we attend church?

Monday October 9 2012:

Hebrews 10:25.  “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do,  but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near.”

After being involved in a church for many years, God intervened and I was urged to move on and, in fact, seek another congregation to worship with.  I searched for a church to fulfill my expectations.  Every church I attended did not seem to be the right one for me to become part of.  I had many excuses, the music wasn’t what I liked, the Pastor wasn’t friendly or I didn’t care for his messages, or the people weren’t welcoming enough and on and on went the excuses.

Soon, God impressed upon my heart that people were not perfect and churches were filled with people, therefore church congregations could not be perfect.  In Hebrews, the writer tells us not to neglect meeting together.  I realized it was my attitude that kept me from the joy of becoming a part of a fellowship.

Christ loves us and accepts us as we are and we must do the same for others.  God created each one of us as unique human beings; our differences form the tapestry known as humanity.  We need to accept each other as we are and concentrate on the positive aspects of our fellow human beings always setting an example as a child of God with love in our hearts for others.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, thank you for accepting me just as I am, even with all my flaws.  I pray that I can be used by you to show your love to others.  Help me to be a positive influence to those at my church, displaying love and acceptance even to those who I don’t like very much. I pray that I would be a faithful attendee and an encourager. In Jesus name, Amen.

A letter to our son, Drew written in 1986.

Weekend Read October 6&7 2012

The following letter was written to Drew, son number three.  The date is April 28, 1986.  Little did I know that Drew would never read these words.  He was only 25 years old at this time and looking for peace and contentment.  I Praise God that he is now at perfect peace with his Heavenly Father.
Drews accident occured October 6, 1998, we miss him.
My advice is to allow yourself to enjoy each moment with your children because none of us ever knows how long we have here on this earth. May you be blessed by the words I wrote out of love.

Dear Drew:
Oh, my precious baby boy, what will I say to you besides, I love you very much and pray for your happiness.  No, that’s not all:  I could write many things because I also have many memories of you.
You did not want to enter this big world, I was in labor for 22 hours and then the Doctor needed forceps to  deliver you, face down, I might add!  You started out being a “rebel” and have been an individual free spirit ever since.  One day I hope you find your “illusive dream”.
Your “free” personality was very humorous when you were a toddler, everyone loved you and laughed a lot at your funny antics.  That became your goal in life, very early, to make people laugh!  Somewhere you acquired an old cowboy hat and when it fell down over your eyes, you would come out with the funniest lines.  One classic that many people said for along time was, “Hello deah.” 
From the time you were about eighteen months old, you tried very hard to make the world a happy place.  I often feel sorry I did not have more time to enjoy and appreciate your sense of humor.  I was more concerned with your behavior than your enjoyment. 
In all fairness, you were not a “piece of cake” to raise.  Your “free spirited” personality always wanted complete freedom to do whatever was fun and even “crazy”.  At times your behavior became very difficult to curtail at an acceptable level..  Though these were bad times, our love for you never diminished.  We always loved you so very much but I must admit, a parent can give the wrong impression to a child.  You see, Dad and I could see the mistakes you were making and we tried to tell you how your life should be conducted.  When a child can’t seem to conform to the wishes of the parents, or establishment, it can be extremely exasperating and through this it is sometimes difficult for the love to show. 
Thank you, my son, for  forgiving  our mistakes, we were learning as well as you.  When we are learning, we all make mistakes.  I will never forget the sad day when you decided, instead of conforming, to move out with your big brother and truly exercise you “freedom.”  As a parent, I had high hopes for your future and this was not in my plans.  Somehow, between God and Blake you were protected and survived without too many scars.  I was very thankful that you and Blake were together.  I am also very thankful that you “reformed” for you sister’s wedding.  You made her feel special when you sacrificed your long hair and “comfortable” clothes for “conservatism”.  Dad and I were very proud of you that day!  That day was also  a good day for Dad and yourself because you mended much of the dissension that was gnawing at both of you.
You have many beautiful qualities.  first of all, the love you have for your family and friends is so very precious.  When you take the time to call Granny or myself or your sisters, it is very meaningful to us all.  We all love you very much and appreciate your tender moments.  I know your feelings run deep and you sometimes have trouble being open about your emotions.  Don’t be afraid.  I know you are afraid of being hurt because you have suffered many hurts and I hurt for you when you are experiencing these things.  I hope you know you can always come and talk to me no matter what.
Another quality you display is that you are a “hustler”, a hard worker.  We are proud of you for what you have accomplished.  Your efforts are impressive.  Not only are you a hard worker but also your intelligence is so very evident.  In simple terms, Drew, you are a smart guy!  And you know how to use your brains.  I am thankful that God gave you a level head to direct you path.  I pray that you will one-day experience perfect peace and happiness because you are deserving of the BEST there is!      Know that I love you very much: Love Mom.  x o x o x o
Drew was married and had two beautiful children, Dylan and my namesake, Adena, who are very precious to us and we love them so much.  Drew's legacy was that he was a loving Dad, his goal in life became to raise his children in a Godly Christian manner.  He must be smiling at who they have become!