A letter to our son, Drew written in 1986.

Weekend Read October 6&7 2012

The following letter was written to Drew, son number three.  The date is April 28, 1986.  Little did I know that Drew would never read these words.  He was only 25 years old at this time and looking for peace and contentment.  I Praise God that he is now at perfect peace with his Heavenly Father.
Drews accident occured October 6, 1998, we miss him.
My advice is to allow yourself to enjoy each moment with your children because none of us ever knows how long we have here on this earth. May you be blessed by the words I wrote out of love.

Dear Drew:
Oh, my precious baby boy, what will I say to you besides, I love you very much and pray for your happiness.  No, that’s not all:  I could write many things because I also have many memories of you.
You did not want to enter this big world, I was in labor for 22 hours and then the Doctor needed forceps to  deliver you, face down, I might add!  You started out being a “rebel” and have been an individual free spirit ever since.  One day I hope you find your “illusive dream”.
Your “free” personality was very humorous when you were a toddler, everyone loved you and laughed a lot at your funny antics.  That became your goal in life, very early, to make people laugh!  Somewhere you acquired an old cowboy hat and when it fell down over your eyes, you would come out with the funniest lines.  One classic that many people said for along time was, “Hello deah.” 
From the time you were about eighteen months old, you tried very hard to make the world a happy place.  I often feel sorry I did not have more time to enjoy and appreciate your sense of humor.  I was more concerned with your behavior than your enjoyment. 
In all fairness, you were not a “piece of cake” to raise.  Your “free spirited” personality always wanted complete freedom to do whatever was fun and even “crazy”.  At times your behavior became very difficult to curtail at an acceptable level..  Though these were bad times, our love for you never diminished.  We always loved you so very much but I must admit, a parent can give the wrong impression to a child.  You see, Dad and I could see the mistakes you were making and we tried to tell you how your life should be conducted.  When a child can’t seem to conform to the wishes of the parents, or establishment, it can be extremely exasperating and through this it is sometimes difficult for the love to show. 
Thank you, my son, for  forgiving  our mistakes, we were learning as well as you.  When we are learning, we all make mistakes.  I will never forget the sad day when you decided, instead of conforming, to move out with your big brother and truly exercise you “freedom.”  As a parent, I had high hopes for your future and this was not in my plans.  Somehow, between God and Blake you were protected and survived without too many scars.  I was very thankful that you and Blake were together.  I am also very thankful that you “reformed” for you sister’s wedding.  You made her feel special when you sacrificed your long hair and “comfortable” clothes for “conservatism”.  Dad and I were very proud of you that day!  That day was also  a good day for Dad and yourself because you mended much of the dissension that was gnawing at both of you.
You have many beautiful qualities.  first of all, the love you have for your family and friends is so very precious.  When you take the time to call Granny or myself or your sisters, it is very meaningful to us all.  We all love you very much and appreciate your tender moments.  I know your feelings run deep and you sometimes have trouble being open about your emotions.  Don’t be afraid.  I know you are afraid of being hurt because you have suffered many hurts and I hurt for you when you are experiencing these things.  I hope you know you can always come and talk to me no matter what.
Another quality you display is that you are a “hustler”, a hard worker.  We are proud of you for what you have accomplished.  Your efforts are impressive.  Not only are you a hard worker but also your intelligence is so very evident.  In simple terms, Drew, you are a smart guy!  And you know how to use your brains.  I am thankful that God gave you a level head to direct you path.  I pray that you will one-day experience perfect peace and happiness because you are deserving of the BEST there is!      Know that I love you very much: Love Mom.  x o x o x o
Drew was married and had two beautiful children, Dylan and my namesake, Adena, who are very precious to us and we love them so much.  Drew's legacy was that he was a loving Dad, his goal in life became to raise his children in a Godly Christian manner.  He must be smiling at who they have become! 

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