Waiting for death..........

Weekend Read September 30 2012!


In April, 1991, I spent 4 weeks with my sister in Los Angeles, CA.  She had suffered for years with a disease called Scleraderma, a terrible disease that causes the organs of the body to solidify.  It is disfiguring and it becomes very difficult to move .  In her case, it effected the skin organ, causing it to become like wood with no elasticity.  Sometime before her death she also suffered from ovarian cancer.  Although she underwent many “chemo” treatments and a variety of drugs, she never experienced release from this disease.  Esther’s daughter, Nancy was also there with me.  Together we managed to care for Esther in her last weeks of life on earth.  Esther had suffered for several years and had a strong desire to go home to be with Jesus.  Death seemed to take a long time.  Even though she wanted to die, we learned, life and death are in God’s hands.  He is the giver and taker of life but the wait is often difficult to endure.  The following is a poem I wrote while we were waiting!

Written March 28, 1991.

My heart is tired, I am lonely
I am longing for laughter, for joy
There is none of that here
It is not a good thing to wait for death
And yet........that is what we are doing
We are consumed by the wait
We think every breath is the last
We have put our lives on hold

It is amazing how one can be done without
We think we are all important
But when I am “out” of the picture
Life still goes on - People still laugh, play, and work
I am in another world
Where all this is on hold

We do what we have to
Our mind does not take a break
It is ever conscious of the waiting
When will it end?

Would I want to be somewhere else?
No!  I am needed here
Thank God, He is in control
Sometimes I feel abandoned
But ultimately, I know He is here
I do have peace!
Adena Paget

You don't have to do it alone!

Friday September 28 2012:

Deuteronomy 31:8.  “ Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord is the one who goes before you; he will neither fail you nor forsake you.”

Do you have seemingly unsurpassable concerns looming ahead of you?

Joshua had just inherited the leadership position in taking the Children of Israel into the Promised Land.  It would seem feasible for Joshua to be concerned and perhaps “quivering” in his sandals at this huge responsibility considering whose sandals he was filling! 

God, however, confirmed Joshua’s position and gave him assurance, he would not be alone in his quest.  All Joshua needed to do was be obedient and allow God to lead him.

This promise is in God’s word for us as well as for Joshua.  The Lord will go before us and with us through all the trials that we encounter.  We are not promised an easy life, free from strife, but God promises to walk through the trials and ‘flames’ before us and with us.  He never leaves us alone to flounder on our own.

Prayer for today. Heavenly Father, I know you are with me no matter what and I want to thank you for your presence and your guidance every day that I live.  I cannot imagine how difficult life would be without you.  You are my strength when I am weak, my hope is built on you and I am so thankful to be your child.  Thank you for your promises to Joshua and to me even today because you are the same yesterday, today and forever.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Is God your life?

Thursday September 27 2012:

Deuteronomy 30:20.  “Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey him and commit yourself to him, for he is your life.”
This is part of the message Moses gave to the Children of Israel before he announced his retirement as their leader.  It implies that, now, as then, we have a choice; to follow God or not.  It also tells us if we choose to obey the Lord God, we will experience life. 

So many people today, are existing and missing out on the way life was meant to be enjoyed.  They scurry about trying to earn enough money to buy, buy, buy and in the end, they miss out on true peace and inner joy.  A commitment to live a Godly life is what brings a full life. 

To be fully alive in God’s presence is the ultimate.  It is then, we can give our burdens and concerns to him and trust him to resolve whatever the problem is. At times, we are amazed and surprised yet he tells us in his Word, he will take care of us.

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, I am so grateful that you are a mighty God and promise to give me life and give it to me more abundantly.  All I need to do is choose to be your follower and your grace and mercy will enable me to live a fuller life.  Without you, Lord I am nothing so today I ask you to give me a deep desire to follow you in all my ways.  Thank you for being my Lord and loving me. In Jesus name, Amen.

Does being "Godly" appeal to you?

Wednesday September 26 2012:

Psalm 97:11.  “Light shines on the Godly, and joy on those who do right.”

Our strongest desire should be to be Godly.  I had a friend tell me once, her desire was to be a Godly woman and I thought’ “ what a goal and hope to have.”  Imagine what an honour it would be to have the “Light of the World” reflect off of you or through you.  What a marvelous blessing to hear Jesus say, “My light will shine on you because you are Godly.”

With the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, you are equipped to be that person.  Even when we don’t feel Godly or joyful we can still reflect our desire to be a Godly person because it is the presence of Jesus that enables us to be perceived as Godly.  What a wondrous God we serve, who makes us appear better than we are in ourselves.  We are not able to do this on our own but Jesus says in our weakness, He is made strong.  Let God do his miracle in you today.

Prayer for today.  Heavenly Father, Oh! that I could be perceived as a Godly woman.  I know this is only possible with you and not on my own.  You are such a merciful God full of grace and forgiveness and you can use me to be what you want me to be if I allow you to be in control.  Help me to let my defenses down and yield to you in every way.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Is it selfish and self centered to worry?

Monday September 24 2012:

1 Peter 5:7.  “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you.”

I struggle with this scripture, do you?

As a wife of 46+ years, mother of five children, grandmother of eleven and retired teacher, I have had my share of worries and cares.  I have always been aware of this promise and have tried to apply it in my life.  With good intentions, I give my worries to the Lord and I know he willingly accepts them.  All too soon I start feeling guilty because I’m not worrying anymore.  Soon I find myself taking back the problem and worry takes over.  I know this is the work of the enemy telling me I  should not really give up the problem.  I know then that I feel I am too important to really submit the worry!.......!

I have discovered many people do the same thing about the cares of today but Peter tells us to give them to God.

Oh; that we could be so strong in faith and mature enough to realize it is against scripture to worry and fuss.  Let us practice his advice today and see what a wonderful peace is ours.  Perhaps we can also carry it into tomorrow and the next day until it becomes a spiritual automatic reflex.  What a glorious God we serve and how much he must love us to take all our cares.

Prayer for today:  Dear Heavenly Father, I am so thankful that you care about my worries and you tell me to give them all to you.  Lord, because I am who I am, I have trouble accepting this request and I tend to keep the worries to myself.  Help me, Lord to realize life is so much easier when I do what you expect me to do.  You are the Great I Am and everything is possible with you and I am not able to solve the problems so Lord, help me to give them and continue to give them to you.  My life will be less cumbersome and freer when I truly trust you with my whole life, even my troubles and worries.  In Jesus name, Amen.

A song from my heart written in memory of my Mom!

Weekend Read  September 23 2012!

Most friends know that I lost my Mom to cancer the day before my 11th birthday.  As I read through her Bible, I noticed every verse about healing, was underlined in red.  I believe her favorite passage was the story about the woman who had a sickness that could not be cured, but her faith gave her the courage to push through the crowds and touch the hem of the garment of Jesus.  She was healed.  

One day during my quiet time with the Lord, I was overcome with his great love for me.  I was awed by his mercy and his faithfulness, not only for me but for others as well.  As I meditated on this wonderful blessing, the Lord gave me a song that reflected my feelings somewhat.  It began with this  story .................... 

Let Me Be Worthy To Touch The Hem of His Robe:
I’m not worthy to kneel at your feet, Lord.
I’m not worthy to look on your face.
But I know you have made me complete, Lord.
Praise your name, I am saved by your grace.
Oh, Draw me close enough to kneel at your feet, Lord
Let me come and touch the hem of you robe.
I can never walk the steps that Jesus walked for me
But let me be worthy to touch the hem of the robe.

There’s a story in the Bible of a woman
With a sickness that could not be cured
She was humbled by the love of the Saviour
And found healing in the touch of his robe.

I’m just a lowly sinner on this planet
But in the eyes of the Lord I can stand
He’s forgotten and removed my transgressions
And I have felt the healing touch of his hand.

I am humbled by the love of my Saviour
And I know that he is mine eternally
I can never repay his awesome favor
Yet, He tells me of this debt I am free.

Written by Adena Paget July 2004

Using your God given gifts.

Friday September 21 2012:

1 Peter 4:10 “ God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts.  Manage them well so that God’s generosity can flow through you.”

Do you know what gift or gifts God has given you?  Are you using it for his glory?

As a child, I loved to sing in front of an audience.  I was sure my gift was singing.  When I married, I forgot about singing because I thought I was too busy with my family, although I always sang to the children and still had a burning desire to sing for others. 

Years later I began leading worship in a small church which I found very satisfying and enjoyable but after five years, this situation ended on  an unpleasant note.  I felt abandoned and useless as a singer and stopped singing.  My brother who is a professional musician encouraged me to sing, just to sing, even if only for myself.  I began singing and the Lord has opened several venues for me to use my gift.  Now I sing unto the Lord and he blesses me. 

For a time I placed my God given talent under a “bush” but when I began to exercise it again, God started using it for his glory.  I believe he will continue to bless me as I use the gift he entrusted me with.

Dear Lord, thank you for giving us gifts that we can use for you.  Help me to recognize my gifts and use them for your honour and glory.  Help me not to push them down and bury them but to be blatant and look for opportunities to use them.  May you be blessed by seeing me use your creation to it’s fullest. In Jesus name. Amen

Consequences to disobedience!

Thursday September 20 2012:

Jonah 1:14  “..............Oh Lord, you have sent this storm upon him for your own good reason.”

This was the cry of one of the sailors on the boat that carried Jonah.  When the storm grew violent and the seamen felt they had lost control, they realized it was Jonah who was responsible for the dilemma.  Jonah was trying to run away from God and in his attempt he was causing great havoc and danger, not only to himself but to others as well.

This an excellent illustration of the consequences we often suffer when we disobey the requests of the Lord. 

 How often have we tried to ignore the voice of God and just continued going our own way only to find dire consequences waiting for us. God will not be ignored and he will not accept disobedience from his children.

Sometimes it is our own conscience that causes our grief but usually it is the Holy Spirit that “pricks” our conscience  and causes us to change our situation. I have experienced the voice of God urging me to do something and I made excuses like, inconvenience or no time or I am not equipped for that and later I realized if I had obeyed I would have experienced success because God wanted me to do it.. But we usually realize it too late and  live to regret our disobedience just as a child regrets disobedience to an earthly father.

Let us be sensitive to God’s direction and obedient to his cause because it is then it becomes easier to sail through life.  We will still experience storms but God will be with us through each one of them and perhaps we can avoid the deep dark ones that bring us to the  depths of where Jonah sunk.

Prayer for today:  Dear Lord, I am so thankful that you give us second chances and even when we disobey you, your grace and love reach out and hold us close to you.  Help me today to hear your voice and be obedient to your requests and directions.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Jealousy and conceit are destructive!

Wednesday September 19 2012:

Ephesians 5:26  “ Let us not become conceited or irritate one another or be jealous of one another.”

A well-known adage goes something like this,
“ You can’t control anyone else’s attitude, you only have control of you own.”
In light of this, it is our responsibility to choose the reaction to an action or word within ourselves making it beneficial to the situation at hand.  If we succeed in taking control of our attitude, we can also be somewhat in control of how we are perceived by others.
Paul has been talking about how to live our daily lives but he does not expect us to live our daily lives this way on our own strength.  He advocates living by the Holy Spirit.  It is only with the help and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit that we have the strength to endure and live the recommended life as a believer and follower of Christ.  Let us not covet others or feel we are better than them because these feelings hinder our relationship with Jesus.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts and deeds and give you strength to live as a true Christian.

Prayer for today. Heavenly Father, I am so thankful today that you have given me the Holy Spirit to help me,  give me strength and courage and make me all that I can be.  Because of this, help me not to covet what others have or what they are, instead, may I be thankful to you for creating me just the way I am and may I be willing and able to hear you’ when you need to get my attention.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Being faithful........

Tuesday September 18 2012:

1 John 2:25 “In this fellowship we enjoy the eternal life he promised us.”

John speaks here of being faithful to what has been taught, i.e. to deny the world and cling to the truth which consists of the presence of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to discern right from wrong. (vs.27)

 Living in fellowship with Christ gives us courage and boldness to profess our faith and not shrink back in shame.  For a close fellowship we need to maintain a consistent communication between God and us.  Any sin or flaw that comes between this relationship creates a “crack” which increases as time between prayer and repentance grows.  I have discovered, the sooner I come in repentance, asking for a clean heart and forgiveness, the deeper my joy and fellowship grows.  We are created to praise our Creator but when sin stands in the way, it becomes difficult to be thankful, to rejoice or give praise.

Prayer for today. Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for the promises you give to me and especially the promise of an eternal life with you.  Forgive me for neglecting to come to you when I have done wrong.  If I have any sins that I am not aware of bring them to my mind so that I might ask your forgiveness and be in a closer relationship and fellowship with you.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

How do we fill the void?

Monday September 17 2012:

1 John 2:16.  “The world offers only the lust for physical pleasure, the lust for everything we see, and pride on our possessions.  These are not from the Father.  They are from this evil world.”

We downsized last summer.  Our new home is a small townhouse with much less space than we previously had but it is brighter and sunnier and newer so in my estimation it is nicer.  People could not believe I would be happier in a smaller home but it is not the things of this world that bring us happiness just as John tells us in this scripture. That is not to say that God does not delight in the happiness of his children but it is not our surroundings or the things we have that fulfill us! 

I know people who have everything their hearts desire and they are the most miserable I have met.  It seems the more we have the more we want.  There is only one thing that totally fills our need and that is a relationship with Jesus Christ.  When he fills us up, everything else is “icing on the cake”!  If you are not happy or fulfilled, try Jesus! 

Today, be thankful for the blessings that God has given you and stop lusting after physical pleasures, take pride in the relationship you have with Christ and your family and not in your earthly possessions!  Don’t let your circumstances dictate your attitude or mood.  Let the Son of God fill you with true joy and lasting contentment.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I thank you that I don’t have to rely on material things for my happinessYour love is all encompassing and you are my source of joy.  You fill my life with blessings and in those I have joy unspeakable and full of glory. thank you for taking care of me.  In Jesus name, Amen.

A letter to my second child, Darren, son #2!

Weekend Read Sept.16 2012:

In 1986, I wrote a letter to my second born son, Darren David Paul ( born November 24, 1959).  this is the letter:

Dear Darren, I am now very experienced at birthing babies, after all I was a whole 17 years old when you came along.
You were very different from you older brother.  You could not wait to bounce into this big world.  Labor was only 4 hours long.  I barely made it to the hospital when; bang; there you were!
What a perfect baby you were, 7lbs. 4oz.  another miraculous happening in our young lives, your Dad’s and mine.
Your older brother christened you Kai, because every time you cried, which wasn’t very often, he would tell me, “Baby “ciy, Mommy”  so everyone started calling you Kai.  You were the most cuddly baby I ever had.  You were a picture of health and very nice to cuddle.  You used to play with your little plastic cars and trucks for hours while I sometimes stole a little nap. What a good and wonderful little boy you were!  You did everything quickly.  You were walking around by the time you were only nine and a half months old. 
When you were about 7 months old, you caught a bad cold.  After listening to you cough a lot, I took you to our Doctor.  He said your ears were infected as well as you had a bad cough so he gave me some drops to give you.  I put the drops into your ears and wondered why you didn’t get any better.  After a week, I took you back again announcing that the drops did not help.  He then informed me that the drops were for you to ingest, into your mouth!  I was very embarrassed and walked out of his office with a very red face.
Once when you had croup, you had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days.  When you got better and I could take you home, you looked so cute that the nurses didn’t want to let you go.  You were my first cute, cuddly teddy bear baby.  You were very affectionate, always ready for a hug.
Your personality, however, was very serious and you never tolerated anyone laughing at you, even when you did cute and funny things.  You’re favorite expression was, “don’t laugh”.  We learned to be very careful of your feelings when you were little and I believe you still have sensitive feelings but sometimes you work very hard at concealing them. 
My Son, please don’t ever be afraid to show your tender side, it makes you loveable and vulnerable but that is a beautiful quality in a human being and should be shown without fear.  I think I know what you are often feeling even when many others don’t and I love you more for those feelings.  Don’t ever be afraid of emotions for without them we are just a shell, a robot.
You grew up very fast, as a matter of fact, too fast.  I don’t think I had enough time to cuddle you as much as I should have.  You were always afraid of being embarrassed.  When you were in grade 2, I spent hours making you a clown costume for your school party.  When Halloween came, you put it on and when you saw yourself in the mirror, you refused to leave the house with the costume on.  I forced you to wear it because I knew you would be okay when you arrived at school.  You did have a good time!
You seem to be blessed with the same thing your Dad has and that  is a quiet and a bit withdrawn personality, shyness, I guess.  When you became the age to date girls, I remember standing beside you urging you to call this special girl for a date.  I think I even had to dial the phone for you.  When she answered, you stammered and stuttered but you managed to ask her out.
One year, I realized you were growing out of you timidness when you announced you were going to Yakima to visit a girl friend.
 You were also quite an adventurer, from bike trips.......the first time it was all the way to Scott Hill when we had to come to get you, to wilderness camps.  One that I remember vividly was with the YMCA, wilderness camp.  You had to spend 24 or 36 hours all by yourself in the woods, day and night.  I will always admire you for doing that and  know that you are a determined survivor.  That is a quality that is precious and should be cherished.

You were always a hard worker and earned enough money to be able to do many things.  From Dickie Dee ice cream to changing tires for the city of Calgary.  One day while you were working at the Bay, you met a girl who captured your heart.  I remember you came home and wondered how you could ever muster enough courage to ask her out.  One day, much to my surprise you did.  You fell in love and soon after that, the two of you ran off and got married.  Dad and I were happy for you both. Noni has many beautiful qualities and which are not found in many.  Don’t be afraid to show her how special she is.
You have made your Dad and I very proud of you.  It wouldn’t matter what you did as a career, we would always love you and be proud.  I know it took perseverance to stick to the fire dept. because you were born with an adventurous spirit and there are times it is difficult to muster the stick-to-it-ivness that is required but in the end it will be worth it all.
I know that you don’t profess to be at all religious.  I guess I really don’t know what you believe philosophically about destiny and life after death and I know we don’t always agree.  I also know that one day you will understand the peace and contentment that can be experienced by having a strong faith in a higher power. I pray for you almost every day and I know that one day my prayers will be answered.
You will always be very special to me as you have been since the day you entered my life.  I want more than anything for you to find contentment and peace and then you will know that the dream you have been searching for has finally come true and is fulfilled.  I love you. Darren.

Darren is the Father of three beautiful offspring, Steve, Kelli and Donovan.  He is an exceptionally loving and caring Father.  We are very proud of him. He has remarried to a wonderful Lady named Rhonda, who we have grown to love and cherish,  together they make a beautiful couple and we are very proud parents

Turn your weakness into strength!

Friday September 14 2012:

2 Corinthians 12:8.  “.........My gracious favor is all you need.  My power works best in your weakness.”

In Romans, Paul says, “When I am weak then I am strong”.

One summer I was asked to share in a ladies retreat by teaching a class and leading worship.  The morning of the Sunday service, I awoke with my first full-blown migraine headache!  I couldn’t stand up and every time I moved, I heaved from stomach turns.  I didn’t know what to do.  This was a new experience for me.
Some helpful souls gave me all kinds of medication but nothing seemed to work.  In attendance was a dear Pastor’s wife who gathered some prayer warriors to lay hands on me and pray for strength and relief so that I could continue with leading the worship service.  As I made my way to the platform, I felt another source of strength holding me up.  I cannot remember the songs or what I said but many women came up to me after and encouraged me by informing me it was the best worship service they had attended.  It was not my strength but the Holy Spirit whom God sent to lead through me.

 This seems, to me, to be a lesson for us not to rely on our own strength but allow the Holy Spirit to lead no matter what the circumstance. That is not to say we shouldn’t be prepared but once we have done our work then it is time to give it to the Lord and let him do his work!

Prayer for today:  I praise you Lord for who you are!  I am so thankful that I don’t have to rely on my own wisdom or strength to do your work.  Thank you God for sending Jesus and Thank you Jesus that you came and thank you for giving us the Comforter who helps us in every situation.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Water when we're dry!

Thursday September 13 2012:

Isaiah 58:11  “The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy too.”

This promise is given to us if we are an obedient child of God.   During my years as a public school teacher, I was very aware of this promise.  The Lord sent me 3 or 4 Christian students who enabled me to bring Christ into the classroom. 

I made a point of starting my personal day with a prayer, sometimes alone and sometimes with other teachers in the school I was teaching in, committing my classroom and each child to God’s will.  Although my prayers were often uttered in silence, depending who was in my classroom, the Lord blessed us abundantly.  There were many interesting spiritual discussions in our classroom from time to time.  In Alberta, Provincial exams are a fact for grade 3’s, 6’s, 9’s and 12’s so this was a particular stressful time for teachers as well as students.  Several years in succession the students would ask me to start the day with a verbal prayer for them to do their best in the test we were writing that day!  What a wonderful blessing to be able to do that at their request.

As I reflect on those years I am still astounded that there were no repercussions from the “higher echelon” because of the spiritual freedoms we enjoyed.  I know it was the watering of the Lord in a dry area. I believe some of those children  needed the knowledge of Christ and his love.  If you are in fear or timid about expressing your faith, turn it over to God and ask him to grant you wisdom and boldness in the opportunities he sends your way.

Prayer for today: Dear Lord, I am so thankful for the opportunities you send me to show your love.  Help me to be all that I can be and not to abuse the privileges you put before me or to ignore them.  I want to be sensitive to the leading of your Holy Spirit.  In Jesus name, Amen.

keep trusting!!!

Wednesday Sep.12 2012:

Psalm 50:15.  “Trust me in your time of trouble, and I will rescue you and you will give me glory.”

It is not easy to trust God when trouble is nagging us from every direction, yet God tells us to do just that! 

The story of Elijah in 1 Kings 17 & 18, is a vivid lesson in trusting God when trouble surrounds us.
During the drought, God places Elijah by a spring where ravens bring his food.  Elijah is thankful for his God given provision and shortly after, the spring dries up.  Does Elijah panic and blame God?  No!  He continues to listen for God’s instruction.  His faith is strengthened by trusting.  God provided a way out of his dilemma.  God is still the same today as he was then. 
Even though we seem to be in an impossible situation, Jehovah Jirah ( God will provide) is here!  He will and does rescue his children.  Look back in your life when the situation seemed impossible and yet you trusted.  We need to give God glory for all the times he has been with us through every trial that befalls us.  Our job is to trust him as his loved and cherished child.

Prayer for today.  Lord Jesus, thank you for all the times you carried me when I was unable to make it on my own.  I know you will see me through all my trials.  Help me to trust you and then to give you all the glory and honour for being there.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Who's in your drivers seat?

Monday September 10 2012:

Luke 9:23.  “.........if any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily and follow me.”

The translation from the Message is:  “ Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead.  You’re not in the driver’s seat - I am.  Don’t run from suffering: embrace it.  Follow me and I’ll show you how.  Self-help is no help at all.  Self sacrifice is the way, my way to finding yourself,  your true self.”

Even in the pre-Christian era, the cross was often compared to the cares and troubles of life.  Jesus tells us to embrace our troubles.  We know adversity develops character and maturity and causes us to grow.  Is that why Jesus tells us to  “shoulder” our “cross” and continue to follow him?

Sometimes it is difficult and we find ourselves in self-pity but no matter what happens, we need to keep our focus on Jesus.  He is ultimately in control and allows these circumstances in your life for a higher purpose than we can see.

Prayer for today: Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for being in control because often I am not!  Help me to “shoulder” my cares and not drown in self-pity.  Help me to keep my eyes on you.  In Jesus name, Amen.

A tribute to my first-born son, Blake!

Weekend Read
Over the years I have kept a personal journal.  Perhaps you will be blessed by my “ramblings” and maybe it will encourage you to write your thoughts, convictions, concerns, prayer requests or feelings as well.
The following is a letter to my firstborn son born October 1958:

To Blake: Written January 7, 1986:
You are my first-born and always hold a very special place in my heart.  The Lord’s hand has been upon you since you were first conceived.  You were stubborn and did not want to leave your comfortable, warm place of nurture.  Labor was thirty-six hours long and I almost decided to forget the whole thing.......and then a miracle happened.  You were only 6 lbs. 15 oz and such a precious gift from God.  You were ‘perfect’ and Dad and I thought you were the most beautiful and perfect baby that ever had been born.  In fact you were far more handsome than I ever anticipated a baby could be.  Your little head was covered with long dark hair and I loved every inch of your tiny fingers and toes and active little limbs.  You were also the smartest little boy in our eyes;  very clever and always ready to recite some little poem that Auntie “Edo” or myself  taught you.  We were so blessed by your birth.
When you were 4 or 5 years old, you started complaining of bad tummy aches.  They got so bad that Dad and I took you to the emergency hospital one night.  We saw Dr. Watkins who told us you needed an appendectomy.  We were willing to do anything to ease your pain so we agreed.  We left you at the hospital that night, after you fell asleep.  When we returned the next morning we were shocked by your appearance, as a matter of fact, we did not recognize you.  The Doctor had to take us to your bed before we realized it was you.  You had retained fluid and were bloated beyond recognition.  It was a terrible day for Dad and myself.  We were afraid for you and did not know why this had happened.  We were just kids ourselves and hadn’t a clue what was going on.  Later we learned it was the filtering system leading to your kidneys that weren’t working properly.  The Doctor assured us it was treatable and told us not to worry.

Just as you were hesitant about entering this world, you also were hesitant about responding to this medication.  Your condition worsened, even changing Doctors partway through did not help.  Finally the Doctor told us they had tried everything and there was nothing else to try.  He said you would probably not live to be 12!  Dad and I were devastated and very sad.
There were many people who knew about your sickness and many spent hours in prayer for you.  One day the Doctor called us into his office and informed us of a new drug on the market that he thought might work for you.  There were 9 children in Canada on this drug and they did not know the side effects yet.  Of course we agreed to try it.  We did not have medical insurance and this new drug was very expensive so in order to help us out some good-hearted people would slip us money every now and then to help us out.  We are thankful to them even now and haven’t forgotten about their generosity. 
After some time, we realized this new drug was working for you.  What a blessing and an answer to prayer.  When you were 12 years old the medical profession gave you a few more years to live.  Taking you off the drug was a challenge because it was a personality altering medicine and so we had to wean you off the high dosage you were on.  Five years later the Doctor’s decided you were totally cured and gave you a clean bill of health.

It is such a blessing to know  God never leaves us alone.  Even when I was not walking with the Lord, he never left my family or me.  His hand has always been on our family.  Your life was a confirmation of his love and faithfulness.
I know, because God spared your life as a little boy, he has plans for you and one day he will use your life as a vessel to bring hope, peace and unconditional love to others who are in need of it.
There were a few years when you seemed discontented, which goes hand in hand with being a youth.  You decided to take your life into your own hands and moved out of your childhood home saying you did not want to follow our rules anymore.  Your  little brother decided to go with you and you both went to make your own fortune in the world.  This was not a ‘fun’ time for our family and many tears were shed.  At this point in a child’s life, a parent can just hope and pray that they have instilled a firm foundation in their child’s life and trust God to guard them and let them go.
I am so thankful that even when our relationship was tested, the love we tried to show towards you was always evident in your attitude to us. You seemed to be able to accept it as well as give it.
There are several years in your life, I am not familiar with. Those were your dating years.  You must have had your heart broken several times and probably broke a few also, but that is all part of growing up and necessary.
One day you met a lovely young lady and fell in love and became a husband!  What a blessing that was and what a wonderful wedding.  You were such a ‘beautiful’ couple.  I am so thankful for Bonnie and the love you share.  Please don’t ever take each other for granted or become complacent with each other.  Now you are a Father of a beautiful daughter!  What a wonderful miracle!  Love her always and remember that fair discipline is a large part of love.
Now we are selling the house that you grew up in and I know that you find that difficult to accept but you will adjust to the idea and home, will still be home (Mom and Dad’s)  no matter where we live because our love will always be wherever we are.  Our memories are always with us also, some good, some not so good but even the not so good, I am thankful for, because we learn from them. Thank you, my eldest son , for the love you have given me.  I pray that one day you will truly experience a personal relationship with Jesus who has always loved you even more than I ever could and that’s a whole bunch!
Blake, accepted Christ as a personal Saviour shortly after Sarah, their daughter was born.  They have been a huge blessing to my husband and me.  They are parents of 2 additional sons, Tyler and Isaac. They are actively involved in a Bible teaching church.