Watch your wandering ways!!

Tuesday Sep.4 2012:

2 Corinthians 7:10.  “ For God can use sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek salvation.”

During the winter months while we live in  our little motor home, I love to receive calls from our children.  I have noticed when they are experiencing hurts and anguish or sorrow, the phone calls increase.  Last year our beautiful grand daughter was experiencing “growing” pains.  As she brought pain upon herself and her family, I was privileged to be kept “in the loop” of communication.  Her parents called often.  They needed reassurance and feedback from us that the discipline measure they were administering for the situation was okay. 

I am thankful that this winter has been easier for them and we haven’t received as many phone calls.

I believe we are the same, in sorrow, as our children.  When we experience hard times we realize our great need for Christ but when things are going well, we often neglect our prayer life.  By spending more time in communication with the Lord we move toward him and the closeness gives us peace and assurance of his presence.  As we grow closer to our Father, our lives reflect his love and keep us from sinning.

Prayer for Today:  Heavenly Father,  Forgive me for neglecting you.  I know you still love me even though I seem to forget about you.  Your love is ever present!  When I wander from you it is not you who moves but it is me!  Help me to  communicate and learn to hear your voice.  When I am close to you, you keep me from sinning but when I wander away it becomes easier for me to stray from your will.  I love you Lord.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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