Do what you think is right!

Wednesday Sep 5 2012;

James 4:17.  “Remember,  it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. “

James tells us, to not do something that we know we should do is just as serious as doing something you know you should not do. (This is sometimes called the sin of omission.

My problem is often procrastination! I hesitate to do things that I know I should. Sometimes when I hesitate too long, the thing that should have been done, cannot be accomplished.  I am thankful for the teacher training I experienced because I learned the importance of facing a problem or task and acting upon it as soon as possible.  There are many deadlines to meet and if the process is postponed too long, it becomes an exercise of frustration and futility. Often the opportunity is completely lost.

Procrastination is not a sin of itself but when the Holy Spirit prompts us to act and we choose to ignore the prompt, it is often too late to perform the action and   we rob ourselves of the blessing that comes from obedience.  Christ longs to shower us with his blessings but if we do not obey his request, he is deprived of the joy of sending us his blessing and we are deprived of receiving it!

Prayer for today.  Heavenly Father, today I want to be obedient to you.  Help me not to put things off but to hear your requests and act upon them as quickly as I can. Forgive me for putting things off or not even doing the things you would have me do.  Help me not to sin by neglecting to act when you have something for me to do. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.


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