Waiting for death..........

Weekend Read September 30 2012!


In April, 1991, I spent 4 weeks with my sister in Los Angeles, CA.  She had suffered for years with a disease called Scleraderma, a terrible disease that causes the organs of the body to solidify.  It is disfiguring and it becomes very difficult to move .  In her case, it effected the skin organ, causing it to become like wood with no elasticity.  Sometime before her death she also suffered from ovarian cancer.  Although she underwent many “chemo” treatments and a variety of drugs, she never experienced release from this disease.  Esther’s daughter, Nancy was also there with me.  Together we managed to care for Esther in her last weeks of life on earth.  Esther had suffered for several years and had a strong desire to go home to be with Jesus.  Death seemed to take a long time.  Even though she wanted to die, we learned, life and death are in God’s hands.  He is the giver and taker of life but the wait is often difficult to endure.  The following is a poem I wrote while we were waiting!

Written March 28, 1991.

My heart is tired, I am lonely
I am longing for laughter, for joy
There is none of that here
It is not a good thing to wait for death
And yet........that is what we are doing
We are consumed by the wait
We think every breath is the last
We have put our lives on hold

It is amazing how one can be done without
We think we are all important
But when I am “out” of the picture
Life still goes on - People still laugh, play, and work
I am in another world
Where all this is on hold

We do what we have to
Our mind does not take a break
It is ever conscious of the waiting
When will it end?

Would I want to be somewhere else?
No!  I am needed here
Thank God, He is in control
Sometimes I feel abandoned
But ultimately, I know He is here
I do have peace!
Adena Paget

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