A wayward Son?

Weekend Read Saturday December 1 2012:

Soon after our first grandson turned 17 yrs. old, he decided to seek  his independence.  The parting was not easy.  As our daughter spent time in prayer, for him; she wrote these words:  I trust they will be a source of comfort and blessing to you.

Why does it hurt so
To let my treasure go?
A gift in youth, a gift of love
Sent to us from our Father above
A treasure to cherish for a short while
One that often brought a smile
The “while” is over, the smile, a tear
The heartache is great this 17th year.

No more can I help or nurture along
No more can I mend with a hug or a song
The treasure God gave me, alone on the street
Keep away from him Satan, God keep him sweet
Protect him and help him as he finds his way
Broken and humble, returning one day
To the Father who gave him a purposeful life
Into your arms, away from strife
Ministering, healing comfort, forgiving
Once again Dear Jesus, for you he’ll be living
Your gift, my son
My treasure, Yours alone!

Robyn Movold, October 7, 2000

Being merciful!

Monday November 26 2012:

Mercy: 1)forgiving, compassionate, withholding of the punishment or judgment our sins deserve.
              2) the compassion that causes one to help the weak, the sick or the poor.

Exodus 34:6 &7.  “ I am the Lord, I am the Lord, the merciful and gracious God.  I am slow to anger and rich in unfailing love and faithfulness.  I show this unfailing love to many thousands by forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion.”

We serve a merciful God who forgives our sins because we ask him to.  In turn, it is our responsibility to be merciful to others.  When God created ‘man’ he gave us a free will and by doing this, he knew we would disappoint him many times in our lifetime by committing sin.  I am so thankful God is merciful and waits to forgive my numerous sins thereby showing me his tender mercies.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, let me be merciful to those who sin against me.  Let me show mercy to the ones who hurt me or do me wrong.  I want to be forgiving as God is forgiving unto me. Hear my prayer, oh God, In Jesus name, amen.

"The Lady With the Big Blue Car!

Weekend Read:
The Lady With The Big Car

It’s about a lady sitting on a curb - “Bag Lady,” they called her.  She was older. She was lonely. She lived in a little one-room shack.  One cold day as she was sitting on the curb begging and trying to keep warm by wrapping her old worn sweater around her shoulders a little tighter,  a big blue car slowed down and stopped right beside her; a tall lady got out. 

She stooped to ask the bag lady what she could do to help her.  The bag lady looked up, her dimming eyes reflecting sadness and dejection, answered, “everything”.  Then the tall Lady from the big car asked her if she would consider going for a drive with her.  She took the Bag Lady to her home and asked her to choose some things that she would like to have.

 There were many things in the tall lady’s house that the Bag Lady had not seen for many years and she looked longingly at many of them. The Tall Lady started putting household items and clothing and small furniture in her big blue car and before long, the Bag Lady was driven home and with her went a warm quilt, two woolen blankets, two pillows, some fancy dishes, an almost new, winter coat, two warm sweaters, a small table and a box of food.
The Bag Lady couldn’t quite believe what was happening!  She was most grateful and overwhelmed by it all.  As she sat in her little shack and realized all that she had gained that day, her eyes filled with tears of joy and thankfulness.

After that, “The Lady With the Big Car” made several more trips to the Bag Lady’s little house.  There were no names exchanged but there were several street people and many new refugees who were helped by “The Lady With the Big Car”.

 She didn’t want to bring attention to herself.  It didn’t matter that they didn’t know her name or that no one else realized who was diligently bringing treats, necessities and happiness to these forgotten people. She would load her car with linens, furniture and food for Vietnam Refugees, and the children watched for her and they would jump up and down and announce that “The Lady with the big car is coming” and parents would come out of their dwelling places in anticipation and excitement with ready hugs and loving looks. Everyone in the neighbourhood knew what the announcement meant and it brought them joy and hope.

The “Lady With the Big Car” was my sister.  After our Mom died, just before my 11th birthday, she became my Care Giver, my “Mother.”  She spent many years helping others, specifically those who were in need.  She had spent many years in poverty herself as a single Mother, trying to raise two boys until she married a generous man who loved her and bought her a big blue Lincoln. Not many people knew about the hours she spent with needy refugees and street people.

 Several years ago she died after a lengthy battle with sclaraderma and cancer. She was my hero and I just thought someone else might like to meet my Hero, my Sister.

Who is the source of your strength?

Thursday November 22 2012:

2 Corinthians 1:3-7.
“All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.  When others are troubled we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.  You can be sure that the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.  So when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your benefit and salvation!  For when God comforts us, it is so that we , in  turn, can be an encouragement to you.  Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer.  We are confident that as you share in suffering, you will also share in God’s comfort.”

God offers comfort to all; to you and me!  Praise his name!

Many times we don’t understand the trials we are in but God has everything in control even when we lose it completely!  His mercy endures forever and when we are in a trial, it is then God can teach us and show us his tender mercies. Often we do not know or see the benefits until later when the storm has passed and sometimes we never see the benefits but God knows.  That is when our trust in him is tested.  Trust him, no matter what you are experiencing today. The morning brings new hope and new mercies!

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, Help me to endure this trial and continue trusting you because I know you have everything in control.  Even though I cannot feel you right now I know you are with me.  You have promised to walk with me through all the storms and I know you are with me. Thank you, Lord for your mercy. In Jesus name, Amen.

Send the rain, Lord!

Thursday November 15 2012:

Joel 2:23 “Rejoice,  you people of Jerusalem!  Rejoice in the Lord your God!  For the rains he sends are an expression of his grace.”

Withholding of rain was considered the most severe punishment in the Old Testament and conversely the abundance of rain denotes the rich blessing of the Lord upon his people. 

The term ‘rain’ is used both figuratively and literally in the Bible.  We have evidence of the “rains” of blessing in abundance occurring in several significant revivals. i.e. John Edwards in the 17-century, his grandson Timothy Dwight at Yale College circa, 1790’s. Charles Finney in the 18th century.

Many  were brought to a new and glorious relationship to Christ after hearing these great men preach.  Great revivals seem to happen after much time in prayer by many people.

 We are witnesses to the beauty of rain in the literal sense all around us.  Our prayer should be that the ‘rains’ would fall upon us, in abundance, again so his grace can be experienced in new and glorious manifestations that astound and awe all.

 Oh Lord! send your rains, in Jesus name, Amen.

Marvellous Grace!! find out what it is!

Monday November 11 2012:

Psalm 84:11 “For the Lord God is our light and protector.  He gives us grace and glory.  No good thing will the Lord withhold from those who do what is right.”

Grace:  God’s free and unmerited favor towards sinful humanity.

Unmerited favor means receiving favors we have not earned.  God, in his goodness, gives us a plethora of good things that we have not earned. 
If we worked day and night all our lives, it would be impossible for us to pay for the gifts God offers.  It is only by his grace that we have hope of living eternally in a place where there is only goodness. 

While we are here on this earth, in training for our heavenly dwelling,  He is our light, our protector and giver of all good things.  When we walk with him and serve him and trust him we enjoy the fullness of his grace and glory!  What an amazing God we have!  Take time today to thank him for his marvelous grace.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you for your gifts.  I know I could never pay for the joy of your salvation or the peace that passes all understanding but by the grace that you give, it is mineAll I have to do is accept and acknowledge that you are my personal Saviour.  You are the forgiver and Saviour and I know one day I will stand before you and realize the wondrous gifts from your hand.  Help me to always give thanks and never take your gifts for granted.  Help me to freely give grace to others like you give to me.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Observing your children!!

Weekend Read November 10 2012:

The following is taken out my journal.
 Entry from February 6 2000:........

On January 16, Robyn had a special birthday dinner in honour of my birthday.  Everyone was there.  It truly was a wonderful day!  It is such an immense blessing to see our children together and while I know they will never be best of friends, they do pull together under tough circumstances as when Drew was in the fatal  car accident.

They also practice tolerance with each other when we are present.
They all have their strengths........and weaknesses; we all do and I love each one of them very much.
A Mother’s heart is difficult to describe when it comes to her children.  I realize their differences and their shortcomings and because I have lived longer, experienced more and prayed much for wisdom, or perhaps I am now an onlooker at their lives, I see them and watch the growth taking place in their lives.  I can discern the successes and disappointments and my heart hurts for the areas in their lives where there is a need for growth.  I know they still have difficult lessons to learn ahead of them.
No matter how much we would like to shelter our children from the pain of life’s lessons, we cannot.  I understand we all have our individual journeys to travel, over the bumps through the valleys and around the corners of change in order to arrive at our destination. 

Thank God there are plateaus and yes, even mountains tops when we feel like we are on top of the world but these times do not linger and then we are faced with another valley.  The good thing about being in the valleys is; that is where we learn to accept what we cannot change, where our very souls are being refined and where we really get to know ourselves and each valley brings us closer to the epoch of where we strive to be.....where there is truth, love, joy and peace of mind.  This is when we are able to see and understand what really matters.  

Are we there yet?  I don’t think so but we keep pressing on, forgetting what is behind and pushing on toward the goal.....the destiny of our journey.  And we hope our children find peace and contentment that we, as ageing parents, know is attainable!

Where does our wisdom come from?

Friday November 9 2012:

1 Corinthians 3:19.  “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God.”

I have noticed there are many very wealthy people in this world that achieved much and sometimes it seems as though the more they accrue the more they profit.  We often think of them as very wise in making financial decisions. 
I have also noticed, sometimes these people acquire their wealth in ways that are questionable.  We are often quick to judge and slander decisions that are made by politicians and other persons of significance.  Can we see that the decisions made by these persons are not wise or even harmful to society?

Paul tells us that the kind of wisdom displayed by the ‘world’ is foolish to God.  Matthew also says that some people have received all the rewards they will ever receive, while believers, strive for the ultimate rewards to be received in heaven from our heavenly Father.

Even though we are not wealthy or important here on earth, our goal is the reward of seeing Jesus and living with him eternally and who knows what wealth we will enjoy.

Our eternal home will last forever but our earthly home is compared to a ‘puff’ of wind.  This is not to say God does not reward us in our earthly lives or bless us with wealth here.  It is not a sin to be wealthy but to love money more than God is called the root of all evil.( Matthew)
Therefore it is important to keep our priorities in order with God being the first then our spouse or family and so on.  Money is very far down the list.  Our wisdom comes from God and even though the world may call us foolish, we are anchored on the wisdom of our Creator.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am thankful that you care about me and my well-being and that you promise to provide my needs.  I often look at others who seem to be in need or want of nothing and wonder why they are rich or seem to be exempt from daily worries.  But I also know my rewards are in heaven with you and my life now, is preparation for the glorious life I will one day have with you.  Help me to keep my priorities in order and to rely on you for my needs striving to continue to put you first in my life.  I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.

Turning from the "world" to Wisdom!

Thursday November 8 2012:

Proverbs 2:12.  “Wisdom will save you from evil people, from those whose speech is corrupt.”

Oh! How I regret the years I spent listening to corrupt speech and looking for fulfillment in the environments conducive to this lifestyle.  The bar scene was exciting to me at one time and the people who frequented these places seemed to be enjoying themselves and I longed to be a part of this “party crowd”.  

As I spent time in this scene and learned more about the people, I realized their lives were empty and mine was becoming the same way.  When a person is in this mode, it seems, you can never get enough.  The nights aren’t long enough and you never feel satisfied because it is unfulfilling.
I believe it was God’s gentle hand that guided me away from this empty life.  He helped me see the futility of it all.  As I yielded to him and let go of the worldly ways,  I  learned to embrace the road that led to God.  I began to feel free and content.  My desires changed from searching for “fun” to searching for the root of wisdom, which is in God.  He has filled me with his wondrous peace, joy, wisdom and total fulfillment since I have turned my eyes and heart to him.  Praise His name.

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, I am so grateful that you are the answer to life and in that , we can ask for wisdom and receive it.  Thank you for providing everything I need, all my needs are in you.  Help me to show your love and grace to others.  In Jesus name, Amen.

How big is God.....still?

Wednesday November 7 2012:

Romans 11:33.  “Oh what a wonderful God we have!  How great are his riches and wisdom and knowledge.”

I encourage you to spend time today, reflecting on who God is.  How great he must be to form all creation with a breath, a word, or a thought. 
How rich he is, everything is really his, even though we often take credit for wonderful structures and ecological successes.  He is capable of everything in our realm of thinking, creating, destroying or sustaining! 

His wisdom is far beyond what our human frailties can comprehend but he is gracious and grants us as much as we need.  In his goodness, he created you and me and gifted us with uniqueness and the ability to decide whether or not to worship him and believe that he is. 

He is the one who sustains life and provides the very air we breathe. One day he will come to earth again and take us to be with him where we will finally understand his greatness.
Let us praise him and thank him for giving us life and giving it more abundantly if we choose to accept it!

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, Sometimes I feel so insignificant, especially when I think how great you are and yet I know you love me more than I can comprehend.  It is humbling to think how much you love me when I think about you.  You, who have everything in your power, to give and to take! To think you gave your most precious “:jewel,”  Your Son to die for me so that I can be your child, is overwhelming.  Yet I know it is true.  You have all riches and wisdom and knowledge and you still are concerned about me.  I can never thank you enough and yet you tell me I don’t owe you anything for all your grace and mercy and blessings. How can I say “thanks” for all you have done?  In Jesus name I thank you.  Amen.

How big is God?

Tuesday November 6 2012:

Proverbs 9:10.  “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Knowledge of the Holy One results in understanding.”

The kind of fear mentioned here refers to a reverent fear or a sense of awe.  I often see people trivializing the power of God or God himself.  They make him out to be numerous different characters.  I believe it influences our perception of who God really is! 
When we stop to think about the greatness of God, we cannot comprehend the vastness or depth or breadth of him.  It is more than we are capable of comprehending and so we often shrink him down to a size or figure that we can conceive or imagine.

God is Creator of heaven and earth and you and I and the tiny blossoms of the plethora of flowers and the huge dinosaurs and everything else.  His vastness is beyond our comprehension and yet he is capable of dwelling in us, of inhabiting our spirit.  A power that great and yet that small is who the Lord is! 

If we have a desire for wisdom and understanding, we cannot ignore this insight from the Proverbs.  Start knowing God today and he will lead you in wisdom.

Heavenly Father: I want to know you more, and praise you more and thank you more, for you are worthy of all thanksgiving and praise.  Help me to know your heart and your ways instead of relying only on myself.  I am in awe of your greatness and the  knowledge you impart on us if we ask.  Grant me the wisdom I need each day in all I do.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Do you long for wisdom??

Monday November 5 2012:

James 3:17.  “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure.  It is also peace loving, gentle at all times and willing to yield to others.  It is full of mercy and good deeds.  It shows no partiality and is always sincere.”

Oh! That I should desire wisdom!  Solomon asked God for wisdom and God granted his request.  He is known for being the wisest man who ever lived.  This is a lofty goal and we can not all be as wise as Solomon but in everyday living, to ask God to give us wisdom in making decisions, is wise in itself.

Did you notice what James deems as wisdom in his review of Chapter three?  He includes peace loving, gentleness, mercy, good deeds and a willingness to yield to others.  These qualities seem to be related to the fruits of the spirit Paul addresses in Philippians.  Therefore, if the Spirit dwells in us and we allow God to lead and direct and we ask for wisdom, will we become wise?  I believe we will be wiser than if we did none of those things.  We need to constantly guard against making hasty decisions that may be selfish or leave out the prompting of the Holy Spirit!  Our lives will be richer and more focused aiming toward the right direction if we wait on the Holy Spirit to guide.

Heavenly Father: Oh! God, You alone are the great God of all wisdom!  I am so thankful to serve you and be your child.  Help me to be sensitive to the wisdom you offer and to obey you in all I do.  Grant me the power to become peace loving, gentle, and most of all, willing to yield to others.    Give me wisdom to know when to speak and when to keep my opinions to myself, for they are, many times, only opinions.  Help me in Jesus name, Amen.

Part 3 and the |Ending!!! of the story about "The Scrambler"

 The Scrambler:

Part 3
It was a sad time for the rest of the family the day the Scrambler realized his ability to take off and soar through the air on his own. Not long after, he decided to leave his loving family and experience the world in his way.  It wasn’t that he didn’t love or respect his parents but “adventure” was calling and it seemed like his family and the establishment didn’t understand his longing or share his desire to explore new adventures.
After a time of being on his own he discovered many wonderful and wild experiences.  He met interesting characters; some just like himself with “free spirits”, some snobs who turned up their noses at him and his life style and others who were searching for satisfaction.
One day as he was soaring and experimenting with new dips and dives in the air enjoying himself and his freedom, he met a very beautiful Young Lady Goose, who greatly attracted him. She was a shy little goose standing by some tall bulrushes.  As he approached her, she quickly moved behind some thick grass clumps in order to hide but he slowly continued to pursue her.  Soon she became quite comfortable with him and even enjoyed the attention. As they became involved in conversation they realized they were both lonely and attracted to each other.
She related how her family had disappeared when she was very young and had survived by staying hidden and being most cautious. She had taught herself to fly but always with extreme caution, even being fearful to venture out into unknown territory. Scrambler was surprised at how small her world was.  He realized he was quite attracted to this shy female and his feelings for her grew as he spent time with her. He took it upon himself to show her “the world”. Before very long her confidence increased as she improved in her skills. It wasn’t long before they realized their feelings had grown into love and they decided to become partners for life.
She was so happy to be part of his life and knew that if it wasn’t for him her abilities would have remained small compared to what he encouraged her to be. As her skills increased, she often wondered why they weren’t part of the magnificent flocks of birds that soared overhead in perfect V formations. When she tried to discuss this with Scrambler, he would always reply that he was a “free” spirit and had no interest in conforming to what everyone else did.  She learned to accept his answer but deep down she wished she could be part of the families who flew overhead so beautifully.
After some time she thought it would be wonderful to have their own  family. Scrambler wasn’t at all sure this was what he wanted but when he realized how important it was to his lovely “bride”, he agreed.
It seemed like forever before the eggs were incubated and another forever before they  hatched. She knew she must endure and be patient. For him it was difficult and often he left to escape and seek adventure while she diligently remained on the eggs, keeping them warm until the very end.
The day finally came when the shells started cracking,  first one, then two then three perfect little goslings appeared. Scrambler was indeed very proud of his new family and his beautiful Partner.  He walked around with his head held high and his chest puffed out.  He loved the attention of being a new father and this elation lasted for quite a while. Mama was excellent at her new job and all too soon Scrambler thought she was spending too much time with the little ones and he was being neglected.
Every day he would leave and continue his quest for adventure but he tried to return every night. As time went on, Mama realized the need to start teaching the offspring how to survive and prepare for their future. When she approached the subject with Scrambler, he seemed to completely ignore her and his responsibility as a Father.
The truth of the matter was that he didn’t know how or what to teach his little goslings because his training in these areas were a part of his life that he missed. Instead of admitting his lack of knowledge, he just flew away and looked for further adventure.
One evening when he returned home there was no one around.  He was quite concerned and started searching in all the favorite places.  Despite his irresponsible attitude towards her concerns for teaching the goslings, he still loved her and his offspring very much.
As he proceeded to search he thought he heard his little ones laughing and playing.  He tried to sneak up on them but much to his surprise and disappointment, as he was about to jump in on them, he could see they were not alone.  There on the pond he loved was another gander, patiently teaching his offspring to swim with precision and dive for cover. They were having so much fun laughing and splashing water on each other, he sadly walked away and returned to his hide out and escape.
After several weeks of being alone, he looked up and heard a familiar honking. High above him, flying in a perfect V formation were his young goslings led by the other gander and his beautiful Bride following close behind.  Pangs of hurt filled his entire being and he mustered enough energy to fly the opposite way, out of sight.  He knew he had lost his beautiful family to another gander who obviously knew how to teach and instruct the goslings.
It was then he realized that all his life he had wanted to be free and “do” his own thing.  He never wanted to listen to lessons that his Father had tried to teach him and he didn’t think his siblings were important. He had shown very little respect towards his parents and now he had lost everything he really cared for. He realized the loss he was experiencing was because of his irresponsible attitude. He had been a rebel and now he was paying for being a selfish Goose, putting himself first at all costs and never thinking about others how it affected others.

He knew he was too late to win back his first love and wonderful family but perhaps he could change himself. He decided to change his attitude that very minute and become what he should have been a long time ago. Upon making this important decision, he already felt better about life and himself.  He knew his life was going to be difficult but at least he would try his best to be the responsible goose he was meant to be.
There was hope for Scrambler because he was still young enough to start over but he
regretted the time he had wasted and the wonderful family he knew he had lost forever.
The End

Being obedient to our Heavenly Father!

Friday November 2 2012:

Philippians 2:13.  “.....for God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him.”

True peace and joy comes from doing what God wants us to but before we can do what God desires, we must have the desire to be that person and live that life.

As a believer, obedience to God in every way, is the epitome of life.  Just as a child who obeys the parent is in a continual state of happiness and peace so are we when we are obedient to our heavenly Father.  But also, as a child suffers the consequences of disobedience, we must also suffer consequences for disobedience.

In my own personal experiences, acts of disobedience have caused friction in my relationship with Christ which, in turn, led to more disobedience, followed by a defiant attitude.  The relationship suffers separation as communication comes to a halt.  Just as this dilemma occurs in our earthly relationships, it is an  illustration of what happens in our relationship with Jesus Christ.  On the other hand, when we are right with God and honest with him, and ourselves, the Holy Spirit gives us the desire to be obedient which nurtures a closeness with Christ.
Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I’m so thank full you are still working on me.  I have learned that obedience to you results in peace and contentment.  Help me to desire to be obedient to you in everything. In Jesus name, Amen.