How big is God?

Tuesday November 6 2012:

Proverbs 9:10.  “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Knowledge of the Holy One results in understanding.”

The kind of fear mentioned here refers to a reverent fear or a sense of awe.  I often see people trivializing the power of God or God himself.  They make him out to be numerous different characters.  I believe it influences our perception of who God really is! 
When we stop to think about the greatness of God, we cannot comprehend the vastness or depth or breadth of him.  It is more than we are capable of comprehending and so we often shrink him down to a size or figure that we can conceive or imagine.

God is Creator of heaven and earth and you and I and the tiny blossoms of the plethora of flowers and the huge dinosaurs and everything else.  His vastness is beyond our comprehension and yet he is capable of dwelling in us, of inhabiting our spirit.  A power that great and yet that small is who the Lord is! 

If we have a desire for wisdom and understanding, we cannot ignore this insight from the Proverbs.  Start knowing God today and he will lead you in wisdom.

Heavenly Father: I want to know you more, and praise you more and thank you more, for you are worthy of all thanksgiving and praise.  Help me to know your heart and your ways instead of relying only on myself.  I am in awe of your greatness and the  knowledge you impart on us if we ask.  Grant me the wisdom I need each day in all I do.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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