Send the rain, Lord!

Thursday November 15 2012:

Joel 2:23 “Rejoice,  you people of Jerusalem!  Rejoice in the Lord your God!  For the rains he sends are an expression of his grace.”

Withholding of rain was considered the most severe punishment in the Old Testament and conversely the abundance of rain denotes the rich blessing of the Lord upon his people. 

The term ‘rain’ is used both figuratively and literally in the Bible.  We have evidence of the “rains” of blessing in abundance occurring in several significant revivals. i.e. John Edwards in the 17-century, his grandson Timothy Dwight at Yale College circa, 1790’s. Charles Finney in the 18th century.

Many  were brought to a new and glorious relationship to Christ after hearing these great men preach.  Great revivals seem to happen after much time in prayer by many people.

 We are witnesses to the beauty of rain in the literal sense all around us.  Our prayer should be that the ‘rains’ would fall upon us, in abundance, again so his grace can be experienced in new and glorious manifestations that astound and awe all.

 Oh Lord! send your rains, in Jesus name, Amen.

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