Gods mercy!

Friday June 1 2012:

James 2:12- 13.  “So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free.  13. For there will be no mercy for you if you have not been merciful to others.  But if you have been merciful, then God’s mercy toward you will win out over his judgment against you.”

 James is urging us to show mercy to others and the promise of receiving mercy will be granted to us.  As a matter of fact, God’s mercy will win out over his judgment against us if we show mercy to others. 

Mercy is described as being forgiving, compassionate, withholding of punishment or judgment that our sins deserve.

Jesus is merciful and we need to strive to become Christ like.  This is a good area to work on and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can become more merciful.  Some people are easier to show mercy to than others, but it is the one who we find difficult to show mercy to that needs it most.  When we ask the Lord to help us and give us wisdom, we can be discerning and be successful in all circumstances.

Prayer for today:  Dear Lord, thank you for showing mercy to me, a sinner, who does not deserve it.  But you, Oh Lord, are a merciful Saviour  and even though I am a sinner, you forgave me and showed mercy to me.  Forgive me for being negligent of being merciful at times.  I pray for the ability and wisdom to show mercy when I should thereby continue to receive your mercy. In Jesus name, Amen.

When you judge others, you will be judged!

Thursday May 31 2012:

Matthew 7:1-2  “Stop judging others and you will not be judged.  For others will treat you as you treat them.  Whatever measure you use in judging others, it will be used to measure how you are judged.”

When I was younger, I was often extremely judgmental of others.  Many times it was because of their appearance or the church they attended or perhaps because of the way they spoke or habits they had.  It took maturity and experience and learning about the life of Jesus on earth, to make me realize that it was not my job to judge others.

 When I repented of being that way, I started to see potential in people.  I started to see beyond the faults and into the hearts.  I soon realized that most people are not malicious or intentionally harm others, I learned to look beneath the immediate action or words that I found offensive. 

It is easier to accept others when we take the time to understand who they really are and accept them for that!

Everyone has a good side to them but sometimes it takes a little bit of looking and searching.  When we take the time, life becomes so much easier and the blessings increase because we give up the need to be defensive.  Soon we discover that our enjoyment for others increases and then we are blessed by knowing them.
Prayer for Today:  Father, thank you for loving me and having patience with me, even when I am judgmental of the people you love and have created. Please forgive me for neglecting to see good in all people.  I realize when you see us, you see potential in every one of us.  Help me to be more like you, Jesus and see others as you see them. Help me to love as you do, Jesus.  Amen.

Showing love,even if you don't feel like it!

Wednesday May 30 2012

Matthew 5:47:  “If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else?  Even Pagans do that.”

As Christians, we have a responsibility to show kindness to all, even to our enemies or those who hurt us.  It is easy to be kind to our friends and the words of Jesus challenge us to practice kindness beyond “easy”,  to stretch our faith and Christian love. I encourage you to take some time in the next few days to do something nice for someone that is not a particularly good friend.  Perhaps even someone who is a challenge to you.  Ask the Lord to show you who it should be.  You will be blessed by your action.

Prayer for today:  Dear Lord, Thank you for showering your love on me every day.  I know sometimes I am not exactly what you would want me to be and yet you love me and bless me.  Today, Lord I ask you to enable me to show love to someone whom you choose.  Lord, even if I don’t care for that person, help me to see their good points and dwell on those.  Help me to see them as you see them and give me a desire to reach out and love them as you do. In Jesus name, amen.

What do you do with "hurts"?

Tuesday May 29 2012:

Matthew 5:46: If you love only those who love you, what good is that?  Even corrupt tax collectors do that much.”

When we walk with the Lord, we are often excluded to hurts by others.  Some people may call me naive but  through my desire to be closer to God by practicing to give my burdens, concerns and anxiety to Him, I seldom find myself being hurt by another. 

I know I’m not such a “wonderful” person that everyone who knows me, loves me and so I realize there are those who say negative things about me or to me but, because I know God’s love surrounds me at all times, I seem to be unaffected by the derogatory hurts meant for me. 

I have learned, the moment I feel a negative vibration from another person, I lift them up to Jesus and repent of my selfish feelings, Jesus always works a miracle and heals the emotions.  He creates a clean heart in me. With Jesus comes the ability to love, even your enemies and those who persecute you.

Feeling hurt is a selfish emotion.  It is self-centered!  Instead, we should project our thoughts outward,  do good to others, help someone in need, take your focus off yourself and you’ll find there are less and less hurts to deal with.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, Thank you for allowing me to be forgiving to those that might hurt my feelings. Help me to love those that may not love me. Give me a heart that’s filled with love for all whom you have created.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Enemies?? What to do?

Monday May 28 2012:

Matthew 5:44 “But I say, ‘love your enemies, Pray for those who persecute you.”

Most times, it is very difficult to  love our enemies.
 In my life, I’m not sure I have ever had any enemies that I was aware of.  I know people, some of whom I considered friends, who hurt me emotionally and several times, the hurts were so deep that I considered that person an enemy.

 I realized if I spent time speaking against that person, the ‘hurt’ festered and increased.  The more I talked about the incident, the ‘hotter; the issue became.  Every time I talked about it, fuel was added to the embers and the intensity increased until the heat became so intense, the embers ignited and became destructive flames. 

I’m sure many a reputation has been destroyed by damaging gossip because one person was  hurt by another. When I became mature in years and spirituality, the lord showed me how much more effective I could be by exerting my energies to pray for that person who hurt me. 

When we start praying for someone, it becomes impossible to hate them.  Prayer is the healing balm that soothes the hurt and makes it disappear.  Jesus says “pray for those who persecute you.”   I learned this really works.

Prayer for today:  Father, I thank you for being a forgiving God who knows and understands my shortcomings.  I ask you today to forgive me for gossiping about others.  Forgive my selfish attitude and self-absorption when I think someone has hurt me. Help me to love those who have caused me hurt and enable me to forgive them. Help me to keep my eyes on you and my thoughts pure and loving.  In Jesus name, Amen.

A recipe for a Christ centered life!

Weekend Read:
The Four Mitts
The recipe for a Christ centered life in four stages:

1.  ADMIT:  Admit that you are a sinner. 
            Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned: all fall short of God’s glorious   
There is not one person born sinless.  We are all sinners and we all need forgiveness before we can stand in the presence of God as redeemed and perfect.  When we admit we are a sinner and ask forgiveness and desire a relationship with Jesus Christ, he comes in and cleanses us.  Jesus is the mediator between God and us so that when God sees us, he sees us as perfect.  It is only through the shed blood of Jesus that we can be cleansed and forgiven. To begin the transformation,  we have to admit we are a sinner.

2. SUBMIT:  Submit our will to God.
            Matthew 26:39-42:” My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me.  Yet I want your will, not mine.”
 When we have admitted, we are sinners and asked to be forgiven, we need to consciously submit our will to God.  Even Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, asked to be relieved from the suffering, which lay ahead of him.  In Mark 14:36, He asked his Father to take the task ahead away but again, he submitted to the Father’s will.   In Hebrew’s 5:8, The writer tells us that even though Jesus was God’s son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.  If Jesus yielded in  total submission to his Father and became the High Priest who is the source of eternal salvation for us, how much more do we need to be willing to submit our will to Him who loves us more than we can comprehend? 

3. COMMIT: Commit your life to Christ.  Pledge your entire life to Him!

            Psalm 37:5  “Commit everything to the Lord.  Trust him, and he will help     you.”
If you desire to have a life filled with all the blessings that God wants to bestow on you, it is important to commit every part of your life to Him.  Let Him guide and direct your every move.  That is not to say that we should forget about using the brainpower God gave us or common sense.  Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived and evidence of him using common sense and wisdom in his decisions is significant. He spent time in prayer asking for wisdom and God granted him his request.  Living a life of prayer and Bible study, results in gaining the ability to ask for wisdom to make decisions that are in line with God’s plan for our lives. If we commit our entire being to God, he will be able to use us for His glory and honour.

4. TRANSMIT:  Transmit the love of God and the free gift of salvation to others.
Matthew 28:19.”
Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations..........................”
Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is more than just being a convert.  Many are converted to Christ and while that is a necessary and important step, it is just the beginning.  In order to fully transmit God’s love to the fullest, we need to be a disciple and learn how to nurture others to be disciples as well.  Being a disciple of Christ is similar to being an apprentice, practicing while learning and reaping the benefits.
 v.20: “Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you and be sure of this:  I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” 
The best way to teach is by modeling the desired behavior, and  so it is with Christianity; we must live the Christian life to it’s fullest, always demonstrating the love of God, in order to attract others to this life of assurance and peace.   

The Corner Stone!

Friday May  25 2012:

1 Peter 2:4. “Come to Christ, who is the cornerstone of God’s Temple. ...............”

In order for a structure to withstand calamity, like storms, weaponry, erosion, or other attacks, it must have a solid and invincible corner stone. Even if the walls and roof are solidly constructed, a building is only as good as it’s corner stone or foundation.

With Christ as our cornerstone, if our physical, emotional or  spiritual structure, as individuals or a group is threatened,  we will be able to withstand any storms or weapons or anything else that may try to hinder our Christian testimony and our walk with the Lord.  If we truly learn to rely on Christ, the Solid Rock, our convictions for truth will not be compromised by lies or deceit.  In order to grow closer to the Lord we need to admit that we are sinners, commit our lives to Him and then learn to rely on Him to lead us and guide us in His ways.

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I am so glad that you are the cornerstone on which I can plant my feet and my life.  I never need to worry that you will change for you are an unchanging God and I never have to worry that you will abandon me for your Word tells me, “I will never leave you or forsake you” I love you Lord and ask you to help my unbelief and increase my faith.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Are we doing our part?

Thursday May 24 2012:

1 Corinthians 3:16. “Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you.”
Ephesians 2:21. “We who believe are carefully joined together, becoming a holy temple for the Lord.”

Here the “temple” is used symbolically as a group of Christians coming together. We are still given the same responsibility of realizing the awesome holiness of this gathering.  Paul says that we all need to do our part as being one of the group of Christians and we are all given individual gifts that together can be used for God’s glory.

Whether we are called a holy temple as an individual or as part of a group, we still have the awesome privilege of carrying out the responsibility of being a part of God’s plan of creation
Many times in churches, we see only a handful of people doing all the work. This is not the way God planned it.  Are we, as part of the family of God, taking our responsibility seriously enough for God to use us in our fullest potential? Are we living as though we are, Fully Alive, for our Creator?

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, I am so thankful that you care about your Church. As part of your plan, help me to be available and willing to be used by you.  Help me not to shirk my duty to you or cower in the corner when I am asked to do something. As part of your family, let me be all that I can be and willing to do whatever you have for me.  Help me not to overdo things as well but to know exactly what your will for my life is. I want to give you the honour and the glory for everything and not be puffed up or egotistical about the gifts you have given me.  In Jesus name, Amen.

We are tri-dimensional creations, all 3 need nurturing!

Wednesday May 23 2012:

1 Corinthians 6:19. “Or don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God.  You do not belong to yourself. 20) for God bought you with a high price.  So you must honour God with your body.”

As a Christian, we see that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, given to us by God. Even though, salvation is free to us, it was bought and paid for with the highest price imaginable, a perfect sacrifice of God’s only son, Jesus Christ, who was given (not taken) for our sins so that we might have the benefit of his precious gift. Having been bought with the highest price, we belong to God.

I remember buying a beautiful S.U.V. vehicle that was loaded with all the “bells and whistles” you could possibly imagine. At that time we needed it to make frequent trips across winter mountainous roads and it was advertised to fill our expectations. We were very satisfied with the performance it offered and we did not object to the high price tag because of its performance. We appreciated and liked this vehicle a lot.  We kept it clean and polished it diligently. The leather upholstery received the best and most expensive leather treatments.  We owned it for three years and when we sold it, the newness had been maintained and we were able to sell it for a good price. It was always a pleasure to drive and everyone who rode in it commented on the beauty of it.
I think this illustrates how important our bodies should be as vessels of God. 

We are tri-dimensional, consisting of physical, spiritual and intellectual beings.  As such, we need to make sure we minister to all three dimensions.  I find myself being more diligent in two out of three of these parts and seeming to neglect one more than the other two.  It’s usually a different dimension from time to time, which is a good thing, I think.  As bodies that belong to God, we need an awareness of all three parts and strive to nurture and minister to our whole body.
Prayer for today: Oh Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, I am so thankful that you created me and as your creation, I want to be all that I can be, fully alive.  Help me to fulfill my duty as your child and creation by taking responsibility for my whole self.  I need to care for my whole body, physically, spiritually and intellectually.  Help me to fill this responsibility .  In Jesus name, Amen.

You are God's temple!

Tuesday May 22 2012:

1 Corinthians 3:17. “God will bring ruin upon anyone who ruins this temple.  For God’s temple is holy and you Christians are that temple.”

Here we see that we, as Christians, are indeed looked upon as a holy temple, to be used by God. 
As we accept Christ into our lives and allow the presence of the Holy Spirit to fill us, we become a Holy Temple.
If we choose to let sin into our lives and continue to do this, we will bring ruin into this holy temple. 
We have a responsibility to keep our temple holy and acceptable to God. Also, if anyone else contaminates the holy temple that person is responsible for their actions.
We need to realize we are not to be a stumbling stone to anyone else, it would be like bringing ruin to God’s temple.

Prayer for today: Oh, Lord, today I praise you and thank you for allowing me to be considered as your Holy Temple. Help me not to neglect my Christian duty as a chosen person in you courts. I am so thankful that you considered me to be a vessel for you to show your love and compassion and hope to those who have lost hope. Help me to be an encourager to those you put in my path.  In Jesus name, Amen.

The Temple!

Monday May 21 2012

! Chronicles 22:19.  “ Now seek the Lord your God with all your heart.  Build the sanctuary of the Lord God so that you can bring the Ark of the Lord’s covenant and the holy vessels of God into the Temple built to honour the Lord’s name.”

In the Old Testament, the Jerusalem Temple contained no idols, only a box called the “Ark” containing the two tablets of the law with the symbolic worshipping cherubim above. 

The central place of the temple in the religious life of ancient Israel is reflected throughout the Bible.  It was known for the lavish beauty rather than the size and was built to exact specifications.

The purpose of the Temple was to house the Ark of the Covenant and as a Holy place of worship. Lay Israelites were not allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, which was the inner court of the Temple.  Only the Priests were allowed here.  The temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC but rebuilt by Herod later as a much bigger structure in 37 - 4 BC. 

 When Jesus was crucified, the curtain that divided the temple was rent in two, symbolizing the destruction of the division between the Jewish Priests and Christians.  Everyone is now able to come into the Holy of Holies and every one of us has access to a relationship and the presence of the most high God. The temple was burned when Jerusalem fell to the Roman armies in August AD 70.  The word “temple” is used, in the New Testament, figuratively in a number of ways, which we will read about further as this week progresses.

Dear Lord, Help me to understand your Word and the importance of the symbols used to convey the message of hope and promise. As I learn to use and respect my body as your Holy Temple, may you become the focus of my life so that your love may be seen in me. I realize you, oh Lord, are the giver of wisdom and understanding and I pray that your covenant will be evident in my life as I strive to live for you.  In Jesus name, amen..

Now you know my secret!

A Weekend Read May 19/20
A Dream:

I dreamt I was walking through a very long tunnel.  It was a pleasant experience and there were many encouraging windows along the way that let in a goodly amount of light so I could always see a portion of the road ahead.  It was the light at the end that I was striving for, the ultimate daylight that warms and shines brightly in its fullest splendor.  I could imagine it in the distance and I knew one day I would see it!
Every so often, I came to a turn and I thought I could almost see the brightness of the end of the tunnel but it didn’t seem to be time yet.  I knew I was in this situation by the choices I made.  I experienced many advantages here.  I was safe from harm because nothing could “pluck” me from the knowledge that one day the light would illuminate around me perfectly.  I knew which direction to travel; it was one of two, forward or backward.  I didn’t have any desire to go back so that left a clear direction to travel forward.  I was also aware of a very close commandant who was near to support me and keep me from becoming lonely.  It seems as though he didn’t want this experience to end.  He was very happy and content where we were and it was as if there was a fear of the unknown.

I remember thinking:

There are many people like that, who just want to remain in their present situation because they know how to behave and what to expect.  They like the familiarity of each day and week and year.  They are not sure what might be expected of them in a new situation and so they prefer to stay where they are.” 

Perhaps it is fear or maybe low self-esteem or the dreaded horror of ‘what will people think if I don’t meet their expectations?

As I moved along, I waited in anticipation of the moment when we would reach the ‘light’.  Until then, I remained beside the partner that my Master blessed me with.  He shared my intimate moments, my emotions, my hurts and my elation’s.  I knew I would stay until the day when we both came to the end; the truth, when we would both share the glory of the True Light together.

I could not tell him to hurry for fear it would lead to injury and slow us down.  As we walked on, I found myself enjoying his company and sensing that I was exactly where I should be.  Although my goal was to reach the end, I knew we would reach it together.  In order to do that, I knew I must continue to move at the exact right speed, not so slow, I lagged behind, not too fast in case I lost my Partner and left Him behind but right beside him each step of the way.  That way we could help each other if one should stumble.

I also knew our Guide, sent by the Master, was not far away and would not allow anything to happen that might hinder reaching the ultimate goal!
Phil.3: 14, “I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Jesus Christ, is calling us to Heaven.

Being able to see the whole story.

Friday May 18 2012:

John 6:41. “Then the Jews complained about Him, because He said, “ I am the bread which came down from heaven.”  And they said, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know?  How is it then that He says, “ I have come down from heaven?”

We are blessed to be able to “see” the whole story of the time Jesus spent walking on this earth as a man.  I understand why the Jews in Jesus’ day were skeptical and how difficult it must have been for them to accept this ‘man’, Jesus, as God himself.  I often wonder if I could have believed that Jesus was the Messiah if I had walked the earth during that time.

For us, there is no excuse not to believe.  We have the inspired Word of God, the Bible, where history is recorded from the beginning to the end of the earthly ministry of Jesus.  The Prophets in the Old Testament all point to the coming of Messiah and the New Testament records the fulfillment of the coming.  When we realize the wonder and truth of it all, we can, with assurance, accept that Jesus is the, ‘I Am, Very God, Messiah, Saviour and King.  They only saw a small portion of the big picture and had blind minds to the fulfillment of the Prophets that they, in fact, worshipped.  I fear we are often the same, focusing our attention on ourselves and seeing only a small fragment of what Christ sees.  Aren’t you thankful he orchestrates our lives when we walk in the footsteps He prepares for us?  Trust Him to know what is best for you today.

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, Thank you for the revelation of your purpose on earth.  Help me to understand you more fully and to see more of your power.  In Jesus name, Amen.

A guide for your steps!

Thursday May 17 2012

Habakkuk 3:19.  “The Sovereign Lord is my strength!  He will make me as sure footed as a deer and bring me safely over the mountains.”

Oh, what a wonderful promise.  There are times when we stray from the perfect will of the Father.  It is those times when we think we know where we’re going, that we stumble.  I liken it to hiking up a mountain on a trail that is not well marked.  I have a friend who climbed Fisher Peak in southern British Columbia, one year.  Two male friends whose legs were much longer than hers accompanied her.  Because of this, their stride was  wider and it made it possible for them to climb up footholds that were far apart where as she could not reach some of the steps they used.  She relates the climb as being scary until she decided to follow the safer, less treacherous trail.  It was longer and had loose shale but these obstacles were easier for her to maneuver than the steep and wide “short cut” that she had been led on previously.  When she returned to the path that was right for her, the climb became easier and less frightening.

I believe this is what happens when we stray away from the path that God has prepared for us.  When we are close to the Lord, the Holy Spirit guides us and makes us sure footed as a deer on a mountain trail.  Our feet will not slip and we will safely, make our climb to our destination.  God loves us too much to allow our footing to fail.

Prayer for today:  Thank you, Lord for guiding my steps.  Keep me close to you so that I always know exactly where you want me to step. Help me not to wander off the trail you want me to travel on.  With you as my guide, I know I can climb any mountain that might be in my way.  Thank you for loving me enough to bring me safely over.  In Jesus name, Amen.

We always have a choice!

Wednesday May 16 2012

1Thessalonians 5:18.  “ No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

The longer I live, the more I see the struggle of trying to maintain a thankful attitude.  It is often difficult to adhere to Paul’s advice. 

I have learned part of the secret is in truly knowing who God is and believing that He is Sovereign.  If God is truly in control then we know we were created for His enjoyment and delight.  He keeps us from harm. 

I have a friend who explains God’s Sovereignty with the analogy of the classroom and teacher.  As a teacher, there are times when the classroom can become chaotic.  Everyone seems to be louder than usual and out of their desks and as you look around, you see the confusion and turmoil and chaos but you know you have the ability to bring it under control. You glance around and see that everyone is safe and there is no danger of anyone getting seriously hurt.
 In wisdom, I have done this many times just to let the students think they are getting away with unruly behavior. I found it also gave me an insight to the personalities of particular students and many times it was a very interesting exercise just to be an observer.  I think this is a particularly good illustration because it brings to light that we are not puppets who are controlled by a Master Puppeteer. 

We have a free will to act on our own until, in wisdom, God intervenes and urges us to move away from harm’s way and under His hand of protection.  We are just like the children in the classroom who have the choice to listen to the voice of the teacher or continue to be rebellious and boisterous and disregard the warnings and instruction of the teacher.

Prayer for today: Oh Lord, help me today to be silent enough to hear your voice and not ignore it. I am thankful to you for all that you have done for me and for watching over me.  Thank you for loving me enough to allow me to make wrong decisions from time to time but thank you even more for letting me know when it’s time to let you guide me in my decision making. I can only see a small portion of my life but I know you can see the whole picture so help me to be thankful, always and rely on you in every circumstance.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Who is in control?

Tuesday May 15 2012

Romans 8:28.  “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, and to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Often we are devastated by an unexpected “blip” in life. It might be an illness, a death of a loved one, a wayward child or something else that causes us to stop dead in our tracks.

 Many times the situation does not make sense to us and we wonder why God would allow a calamity like this.  In this last statement, lies the answer;  “God allows it” and if God is in control and allows this to happen, then we can have the assurance that no matter what happens, all is well! 

When I look back at some of the tragedies in my life, I always see a purpose for the incident.  In the Old Testament, the two situations where we can clearly see the larger purpose is in Job’s and Joseph’s tragedies.  They must have wondered where God was during their ordeals but God had a purpose in mind when he allowed these hardships to happen and in the end we can see why things happened as they did. 

If God had Job and Joseph in his almighty hand then wouldn’t He do the same for us today?  He is an unchanging God , the same yesterday, today and forever. He always knows exactly what is happening in our lives and is with us even when we can’t see Him.

Prayer for today:  Dear Lord, I know you are in control and I know that you know what is best for me so today, I ask you Lord, to keep me in perfect peace and keep my mind on you. I want to trust you for every thing in my life and surrender my will to you because you say that all things work together for good to those who love you, Lord, I want to love you more, I want to serve you more and I want to praise you more.  Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee.  In Jesus name, Amen.

A story of a man who was at the top. at the bottom, at the top!!!

A Weekend Read May 13 2012!

Only A Homeless Man:( A fictional story by Adena)

The nights were becoming colder and there weren’t many places to sleep that gave shelter from the wind and changing seasons.  He had managed some hot food at the shelter but there were no beds left unspoken for so he wandered aimlessly through the dusk until it became too dark to search any longer.  He knew of a place under an overpass where pipes ran over land.  There was warmth there and he remembered leaving a good piece of cardboard with some old coats there several nights ago.  It seemed like it was pretty close by.
As he lay down from exhaustion and loss of will to go on, it wasn’t long before he craved sleep, perhaps a time of pleasant dreams when things were different.
He wasn’t sure why he was even still alive.  What gave him this undisputed will to go on, to hold on to the sanctity of life?  It seemed as if ending it all would be the reasonable answer.  Who would care?  No one would really miss him, would they?
His thoughts continued to return to another time...............”The party was jumping’, the booze tasted sweet and the women were delicious.  The evening was young and he was having a “ball”.  The career had fallen into his lap and he was a success!  He knew he was climbing the corporate ladder soon to be one of the top execs in the company!  Sure, there were a few things that bothered him but he was learning to ignore them and pretend they weren’t happening.  His conscience didn’t seem to get in the way like it had at first. He learned to avert his eyes and look to other aspects of the operation telling himself that everything was fine!

 As he continued to climb, the company flourished and his lifestyle became a succession of parties, women, booze and drugs. 
It was times like this when he allowed his thoughts to wander and get away from him that he needed to remember the good times, he thought it kept him sane. He always had a faint pleasant memory of one special woman who was, somehow a little different than the other party girls, Jenine was her name.  Funny how he could always recall her name.  He couldn’t put his finger on it but there was definitely something about her................something that brought him comfort in his despair.  “Why” he wondered?

His thoughts drifted to the horrible court scene where he was charged with embezzlement and he vividly remembered the eighteen-month jail sentence.  Most people thought that after eighteen months behind bars, a person would learn and be able to recover but it wasn’t that way with him.  The only job he could find was washing dishes in a ‘greasy spoon’ cafe.  He remembered thinking he was too good for this kind of employment and refused to do it any longer.  It was the beginning of the spiral that led him to where he was today. His only companions were his thoughts and memories.

Each day was lonely but the nights were indescribable.  How could he have let this happen?  The unfortunate thing was, he knew exactly why things were as they were.  He relived it every day. 
He seldom allowed himself to remember farther back, to when he was a child.

His boyhood had been ‘happy’,  that word was certainly foreign but he had been  ‘happy’ when he was at home with his family.  He had felt loved by his parents but their rules and regulations were beyond following and they left little room for independence and creativity. 
When he was offered the ‘job’, before he graduated from college, he knew he had to accept it.  He also knew his Father was relying on him to carry on the family business; but surely they did not expect him to say “no” to this offer. 
He had a quick mind and this offer would allow him to use it.  Besides, the salary, a new car and unlimited expense account were nothing to ‘scoff’ at.  The position had been described as a business offer that could lead to a partnership in a short time with a new and vibrant company.  It involved shuffling papers and moving huge amounts of money from one account to another, often from one country to another.
As time progressed, he became proficient at what he was expected to do and evolved into a respected member of the company.  What did his parents know about big business anyway?  And so he threw himself into his new career and forgot about his parents.  It had been years since he had seen them or even bothered to visit. He was absolutely finished with the family rules and their beliefs, which had come from that intolerant church they were attending. And what about this God that his parents worshipped anyway?  Where was he now?

He awoke with his head throbbing and the never ending drumming of incessant rain pounding on the surrounding concrete.  His “bedroom” was being invaded by rivulets of water soaking into his “bed linen”.  He soon realized his state of weakness brought about from hunger and cold and neglect to his physical being.  As he slowly managed to lift himself from his despairing situation, he began his ritual search for a morsel of sustenance to help him face another day of meager existence.

As he forced himself to stagger up the steep embankment to the street, he could make out the forms of others who were slowly making their way to the shelter as well.  He approached the mission, and heard beautiful music and singing that seemed trancelike and didn’t belong here in this area.  The call of the melodious notes beckoned him until he was standing inside the little mission, which he had so often ignored.
The singing was coming to a close and he felt like he should move on but just then a woman was introduced as ‘Jenine” the speaker of the morning.  A strange sensation welled up inside him as he realized this was the ‘Jenine’ of his past. 

His thoughts ran rampid and the last thing he wanted was for her to recognize him.  He felt like he should run but his feet seemed to be nailed to the floor and it was impossible for him to move.  As she started to speak, it was as if she was only speaking to him.  The words were only for him and they were not words of condemnation but comforting, forgiving, invitations of love from God himself. 

He heard the love story of how Jesus came and sacrificed His life so that everyone could be forgiven and have eternal life and a relationship with Jesus himself.  He remembered hearing similar messages like this before but it had never been for him.  Never like today by this woman from his past.  It was difficult to wait until she finished speaking before he ran into the arms of Jesus to beg for forgiveness.  The most important thing was to be forgiven by this Jesus.  She said He was willing to forgive no matter what one had done.  The tears were streaming down his face, tears he had not allowed himself to shed for years.  They came as a flood and after some time, he remembered craving to beg forgiveness and after that came the calmness and peace which defied understanding.  It seemed he only had to lie there and accept this love that surrounded him. Soon the angelic voices began to sing once more and the next few hours were a blur but he knew he would never be the same again.
Jenine came to him and related how she had been praying for him for several years.  It seemed she had spent time on probation after the company dissolved.  During this time she became a believer and spent her spare time giving her testimony to whoever would listen.

After spending time with the people at the mission he found himself thirsting for more of Jesus.  It seemed he could not get enough of Him.  He knew his sins were forgiven and the burdens of the past were gone!
After several weeks, he and Jenine became more than friends he knew that this was not coincidence.
One day, he felt compelled to look up his family. Jenine was by his side when an ageing white haired man opened the door.  There was no hesitation, the physical outstretched arms of love were once again around him and he knew he was exactly where he should be.  His Father’s reaction was, “ My Son, who was dead is alive again.”