When you judge others, you will be judged!

Thursday May 31 2012:

Matthew 7:1-2  “Stop judging others and you will not be judged.  For others will treat you as you treat them.  Whatever measure you use in judging others, it will be used to measure how you are judged.”

When I was younger, I was often extremely judgmental of others.  Many times it was because of their appearance or the church they attended or perhaps because of the way they spoke or habits they had.  It took maturity and experience and learning about the life of Jesus on earth, to make me realize that it was not my job to judge others.

 When I repented of being that way, I started to see potential in people.  I started to see beyond the faults and into the hearts.  I soon realized that most people are not malicious or intentionally harm others, I learned to look beneath the immediate action or words that I found offensive. 

It is easier to accept others when we take the time to understand who they really are and accept them for that!

Everyone has a good side to them but sometimes it takes a little bit of looking and searching.  When we take the time, life becomes so much easier and the blessings increase because we give up the need to be defensive.  Soon we discover that our enjoyment for others increases and then we are blessed by knowing them.
Prayer for Today:  Father, thank you for loving me and having patience with me, even when I am judgmental of the people you love and have created. Please forgive me for neglecting to see good in all people.  I realize when you see us, you see potential in every one of us.  Help me to be more like you, Jesus and see others as you see them. Help me to love as you do, Jesus.  Amen.

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