We are tri-dimensional creations, all 3 need nurturing!

Wednesday May 23 2012:

1 Corinthians 6:19. “Or don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God.  You do not belong to yourself. 20) for God bought you with a high price.  So you must honour God with your body.”

As a Christian, we see that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, given to us by God. Even though, salvation is free to us, it was bought and paid for with the highest price imaginable, a perfect sacrifice of God’s only son, Jesus Christ, who was given (not taken) for our sins so that we might have the benefit of his precious gift. Having been bought with the highest price, we belong to God.

I remember buying a beautiful S.U.V. vehicle that was loaded with all the “bells and whistles” you could possibly imagine. At that time we needed it to make frequent trips across winter mountainous roads and it was advertised to fill our expectations. We were very satisfied with the performance it offered and we did not object to the high price tag because of its performance. We appreciated and liked this vehicle a lot.  We kept it clean and polished it diligently. The leather upholstery received the best and most expensive leather treatments.  We owned it for three years and when we sold it, the newness had been maintained and we were able to sell it for a good price. It was always a pleasure to drive and everyone who rode in it commented on the beauty of it.
I think this illustrates how important our bodies should be as vessels of God. 

We are tri-dimensional, consisting of physical, spiritual and intellectual beings.  As such, we need to make sure we minister to all three dimensions.  I find myself being more diligent in two out of three of these parts and seeming to neglect one more than the other two.  It’s usually a different dimension from time to time, which is a good thing, I think.  As bodies that belong to God, we need an awareness of all three parts and strive to nurture and minister to our whole body.
Prayer for today: Oh Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, I am so thankful that you created me and as your creation, I want to be all that I can be, fully alive.  Help me to fulfill my duty as your child and creation by taking responsibility for my whole self.  I need to care for my whole body, physically, spiritually and intellectually.  Help me to fill this responsibility .  In Jesus name, Amen.

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