Do you long for wisdom??

Monday November 5 2012:

James 3:17.  “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure.  It is also peace loving, gentle at all times and willing to yield to others.  It is full of mercy and good deeds.  It shows no partiality and is always sincere.”

Oh! That I should desire wisdom!  Solomon asked God for wisdom and God granted his request.  He is known for being the wisest man who ever lived.  This is a lofty goal and we can not all be as wise as Solomon but in everyday living, to ask God to give us wisdom in making decisions, is wise in itself.

Did you notice what James deems as wisdom in his review of Chapter three?  He includes peace loving, gentleness, mercy, good deeds and a willingness to yield to others.  These qualities seem to be related to the fruits of the spirit Paul addresses in Philippians.  Therefore, if the Spirit dwells in us and we allow God to lead and direct and we ask for wisdom, will we become wise?  I believe we will be wiser than if we did none of those things.  We need to constantly guard against making hasty decisions that may be selfish or leave out the prompting of the Holy Spirit!  Our lives will be richer and more focused aiming toward the right direction if we wait on the Holy Spirit to guide.

Heavenly Father: Oh! God, You alone are the great God of all wisdom!  I am so thankful to serve you and be your child.  Help me to be sensitive to the wisdom you offer and to obey you in all I do.  Grant me the power to become peace loving, gentle, and most of all, willing to yield to others.    Give me wisdom to know when to speak and when to keep my opinions to myself, for they are, many times, only opinions.  Help me in Jesus name, Amen.

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