A wayward Son?

Weekend Read Saturday December 1 2012:

Soon after our first grandson turned 17 yrs. old, he decided to seek  his independence.  The parting was not easy.  As our daughter spent time in prayer, for him; she wrote these words:  I trust they will be a source of comfort and blessing to you.

Why does it hurt so
To let my treasure go?
A gift in youth, a gift of love
Sent to us from our Father above
A treasure to cherish for a short while
One that often brought a smile
The “while” is over, the smile, a tear
The heartache is great this 17th year.

No more can I help or nurture along
No more can I mend with a hug or a song
The treasure God gave me, alone on the street
Keep away from him Satan, God keep him sweet
Protect him and help him as he finds his way
Broken and humble, returning one day
To the Father who gave him a purposeful life
Into your arms, away from strife
Ministering, healing comfort, forgiving
Once again Dear Jesus, for you he’ll be living
Your gift, my son
My treasure, Yours alone!

Robyn Movold, October 7, 2000

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