Hiding the Word in your heart

Friday October 11 2012:

Psalm 119:11.  “I have hidden your word in my heart; that I might not sin against you.”

I memorized this verse when I was a child.  I find most of the Bible verses I  remember are the ones I memorized as a little girl in Sunday school.  My Dad was my Sunday School teacher for many years and he impressed upon me to learn and memorize the scriptures.  I am ever thankful to him for insisting on that. I regret that I didn’t continue after I became an adult.

This winter, I was challenged by the Pastor of the church I attended to memorize the Book of James.  My first reaction was, “I’m too old to memorize now!” I questioned the reasoning behind memorizing when I could look it up and read it.  As I read my Bible soon after, I found many scriptures that instructed me to hide God’s Word in my heart.  I started the task of accepting the challenge.  I did not or have not ,as yet, memorized the entire book but I have memorized three chapters and I’m still working on the rest. I am discovering the usefulness of being able to recite these meaningful verses from time to time, when I don’t have my Bible with me.

It has been a rewarding experience for me to hide God’s Word in my heart.  I challenge you today to start memorizing a portion of scripture.  You will be blessed for doing it and you will be surprised how often the opportunity to use it will arise.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your Word!  It is my roadmap for life and it tells me how to live it.  When I have a question, the answer can always be found in the Bible.  Forgive me for taking it for granted and not taking the time to memorize new scriptures; to hide them in my heart.  Help me to remember more verses from your Word.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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