Oh What trouble the tongue can cause!

Wednesday October 17 2012:

James 3:2.  “We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way.”

“There I go again, putting my foot in my mouth!”  I find myself in this predicament sometimes, do you?
Why is it we tend to say negative things about someone we know to another friend?  The trouble our tongues can get us into is astounding.  We blame the “tongue” but it is really our own minds that control the tongue. I remember an incident of being  told something by a friend in confidence and then  repeating the story to someone else!  Our friendship was damaged and it took a long time for my friend to confide in me again.  Why do we do this? Is it because we want to tell the world that someone likes us and trusts us? 

The tongue is that little organ that can get us into more and deeper trouble than any other part of our body.  It is so small and yet so mighty!

James tells us if we learn to control the tongue, we are able to control all other parts of ourselves.

I don’t know how many of you have struggles in this area.  As I become more mature with the years, I am learning to keep my tongue in control and life becomes less stressful.

  Let’s accept the challenge of keeping our tongues in control.  We will become more sensitive to the feelings of our friends and soon others will realize we really are safe to confide in. We need to always speak as if every one is listening, in fact, our Heavenly Father is listening and he is the one we want to please!

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father,  I am so thankful for the friends you have blessed me with.  I cherish them and never mean to hurt anyone but at times, Lord, I get carried away with telling stories that I shouldn’t be sharing.  Please forgive me for saying the wrong things and repeating things that have been shared with me in confidence.  Help me to become a better friend and keep confidences to myself.  Help me Lord, to control my tongue. In Jesus name, Amen.

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