Why Temptation???

Friday Decembe 14 2012:

James 1:14  “Temptation comes from the  lure of our own evil desires.”

James speaks about the weakness of bowing to temptations.  We all encounter temptations in life;  there are so many!  Despite God’s grace and forgiveness, we do give in to temptation. It shows maturity and obedience to muster  the courage and strength and desire to refuse the temptation in the first place.  It is better to say “no” to others and ourselves when we are tempted.
When I give in to temptation once it becomes easier the second time and  it becomes easier each time I falter. Soon the senses become dulled to the fact that what we are participating in is actually sin.  On the other hand, each time I resist temptation, it becomes easier to refuse and soon it becomes an automatic “no”. After a few refusals, I notice, temptations stop coming my way.
I believe, with God’s help, it is possible to resist temptation and soon the temptation loses its lure because our desires turn toward heavenly things  that edify and glorify the Creator.

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, I am thankful for your forgiveness when I falter.  Your grace is free and I know you love me even when I do things that are wrong.  I ask you today to keep me from temptations, give me strength to say “no” to things that are not from you.  I pray that the lure of temptation will diminish as my walk with you becomes stronger.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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