Intelligent Design or Creationism

Wednesday April 18 2012:

Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

Many believe that the Bible should not be taken literally. While Jesus used parables and imagery to make a point,  many lessons and stories are literal accounts. The story of creation is one, however scholars differ over the length of creative days holding that there is a long gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Hebrew syntax allows such a view but does not require it.

 The Bible tells us that the universe had a beginning and it came into existence through Gods’ will. Aside  from this text, there are many more that prove the account of creationism, Isaiah 40- 51,Hebrews 11:3, latter part of Job.

Genesis also teaches that there are a number of  “kinds” of plants and of animals, which cannot reproduce in such a way as to evolve from one into the other. Many , in the past, have tried to dispute creation by intelligent design, but through their search, have realized the truth of the Biblical creation account. God says if we search for Him, we will be found by Him.

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, You are the great Creator of everything good and lovely and today I want to acknowledge you! I thank you for making our beautiful surroundings I pray that I may not take all this for granted but give you the honour and glory for all the wonders I enjoy each day. I pray that you will give me the courage and wisdom to acknowledge you and the works of your hands before others. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

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