Is your "House" complete?

Tuesday April 10 2012:

Luke 14: 28: But don’t begin until you count the cost.  For who would begin construction of a building without first getting estimates and then checking to see if there is enough money to pay the bills?

One day, my husband and I were enjoying a leisurely walk in an upscale neighbourhood in Victoria BC.  Most of the homes were appraised at $700,000 to $1,000,000; they were very beautiful with a magnificent view of the ocean. As we stood and envied the fortunate people who lived here, we noticed a large lot in front of us with a huge house that was incomplete. We realized it had been started some time ago, the wood had discoloured because it had never been painted, the glass panes were missing from the windows, the steps were not attached to the front doorstep and the yard was overgrown with weeds.  It was very sad to realize what could have been, had been abandoned.

 We wondered why anyone would begin such a huge project only to abort it before completing it.  Did the builder run out of money, was this person unable to plan and could not realize what it would take to complete the house? It seemed as if there was not sufficient foresight in planning or finances.

Then the Lord showed me the similarity between that picture and the people who profess to be His followers but don’t display any Christian qualities, they are like unfinished buildings, begun but never willing to be completed by the Master Builder. Jesus teaches us to be prepared and count the cost before verbalizing our intentions. We must be willing to follow Him, no matter what it takes.

Many times the road gets increasingly narrow and we wonder if we are on the right track but the Lord knows exactly what we are capable of and He will never give us more than we can handle. 
The Lord never said we would have an easy road to travel but He promises to walk with us. When we remember the road Jesus walked for us, our journey seems trivial. 
My Friend, we need to count the cost and if we make the commitment, we need to complete the course, no matter what it brings. Let us complete the building so it will stand to be admired by all who pass so they may see the work of the Master Builder who magnificently constructed it!

Prayer for today: Dear Jesus, thank-you for persevering and not giving up on me. I am so thankful that I am on my way to becoming a house of completion.  I realize there are many more finishing touches that are required before I am complete but I know you will be with me through it all. Help me to be ready and willing to allow you to renovate or remodel as you see fit. Help me to be exactly what you want me to be. In Jesus name, amen.

1 comment:

  1. Jill McClelland10 April 2012 at 09:36

    I've never thought of my Christian walk this way but it's so true. I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in my life because I feel like it is so incomplete right now...missing so many elements but not sure what they are. This devotional is very reassuring. Thanks Adena!
