Proclaiming the good news!

Wednesday  April 4 2012

Mark 16:15. “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.”

Another purpose for our creation is: 
The Great Commission, to proclaim the Good News that Jesus Christ, The Messiah, is come.

He took our sins upon Himself as he was sacrificed on the cross, rose again to defy death, and lives today so that we, too can have eternal life.
Many of us are timid in proclaiming the truth of Jesus.  We feel embarrassed and judgmental proclaiming the message of salvation. 
Jesus says in Matthew 10:32, “If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in Heaven.”  A little embarrassment is worth the promise that one day Jesus Christ can acknowledge us to our Creator, God.

Prayer for Today: Oh, Lord Jesus, help me to proclaim your truth to others.  I pray for  sensitivity toward the prompting of the Holy Spirit to speak when I should and the wisdom to know when to show your love in other ways.  My desire is to used by you and to fulfill my purpose on earth. I want to know more of the heart of God by knowing you better. In Jesus name, Amen.

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