Stubborn as a horse!!

Weekend Read  April 15 2012:

Horse Sense:

I had a saddle horse once; Sirocco; a pinto - a stubborn pinto. It wasn’t exactly mine, we were pasturing it for someone and it needed to be exercised often so I got the job.

One winter day I was trotting down a country road on Sirocco.  The deep ditches were level with the road, filled with snow.  I knew the snow was deep and as we trotted down the road, the horse kept veering towards the ditch.  I kept reigning him back on to the road but the more I reigned him left the more determined he was to head for the ditch - finally out of exasperation, I let him lead and he went straight for the snow bank into the ditch.  It was very deep, he panicked and got stuck.  I had to get off and lead him back onto the road.  I’m sure if the owner had been the rider she could have controlled him; on the other hand, he did have a stubborn streak that needed breaking. He seemed to learn from his experience because after that he was more obedient and trusted my reigning.

I’ve been there! I usually want to do things my own way.  Often I’ve ended up in the “ditch” where it was difficult to return to the track that was easy and flat.  Often I have needed help to get back on the right track.  Each time when I call for the Master, he comes and helps me and I wonder why I am so stubborn.  Sirocco didn’t realize the consequences and wondered why I would not let him go where he wanted to go but I knew what would happen.

Just like the Lord, who can see the bigger picture before us and beside us.  Often when we ask, “why?” He knows the reason and if we wait we learn to see it too. God always knows what we need, when we need it and He makes sure we always receive what is best for us.  His timing is perfect.

Matthew 6:31. “...............Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.”

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