Bloom where you are planted

Thursday February 16 2012 

Romans 9: 20. Who are we, mere human beings, to criticize God?  Can we as creations of God say, “Why have you made me like this.?”  When a potter makes containers, he makes some for valuables and others for garbage.

Romans 9: 22  God has every right to exercise his judgment and his power but He also has the right to be patient with those who are the objects of his judgment and are fit only for destruction. 23.  He also has the right to pour out the riches of his glory upon the objects of his mercy.

We, as mere humans, have a tendency to put God in a box. We all have our own ideas of what God is like. Some think God plays with us like a puppeteer while others think God doesn’t really care about all of our problems.

 We are not in a position to ever question God about his actions. As I read more of his word, the message becomes clear that He is my creator and I am in awe of his greatness. We are not in a position to judge anyone else because God will do that and we are not in a position to complain about our existence or who we are because He is our creator and it would be insulting to him to complain about whom he created.

I encourage you to  “bloom where you are planted.” We are not always content with our situation but if we are in God’s will then it is up to him to place us where he needs us. Our unhappiness and grumbling and complaining is not conducive to his plan. Every time we accept our assignment with gratitude and thanksgiving, praising Him for walking with us, no matter our circumstances, He hears and blesses us. Life becomes an amazing adventure when we realize who is really in control. When we learn to revere God and rely on Him every minute of every day, we can face any situation with the assurance that God’s mercy is being poured out upon us.

Prayer for today: Thank you, Lord for your mercy and grace, poured out upon me this day. Help me to be content in any circumstance and refrain from complaining. Thank you for who I am and help me to be a vessel that can be used by you. I want to be available for your use, Lord. Help me to turn my experiences into an opportunity  to bring glory to your Holy name. In Jesus name, Amen. 

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