He did not throw the "clay" away!!

Thursday February 23 2012

Isaiah 45:9. “Destruction is certain for those who argue with their creator. Does a clay pot ever argue with its maker?  Does the clay dispute with the one who made it, saying, “Stop!, You are doing it wrong!  Does the pot exclaim, How clumsy can you be?”
Isaiah 64:8. “And yet, Lord, you are our Father.  We are the clay, and you are the potter.  We are all formed by your hand.”

It is imperative that we become supple as new clay so the Lord can use us for His purpose.

When I was transferred to my first large school as a grade six teacher, my initial goal was to impress my Principal and colleagues with my “expertise” I just didn’t quite know in what area my strengths were.  As I was rearranging my new classroom, I found two large boxes of new clay that appeared to be unopened.  “Aha!” I thought, “I will teach my students to complete an awesome clay project and integrate it into the mandatory Greek unit for Social Studies.”  I knew there was a kiln in working order so I thought I had it made!

When the time was right, I hauled the clay out of it’s hiding place, intending to use it with the students the next day. As I started to unwrap it, I detected a stale, mildew odor coming from the treasure and then I realized the plastic wrap had holes in it that had let in too much dry air after the over watering had taken place. As I attempted to shape it, I realized it was outdated, dried out and unusable.  Someone told me it would work if I soaked it in distilled water for several days but I was out of time and my plans dictated a completed art project in a couple of days. I proceeded to disperse of the clay (in the garbage can) and wrack my brain to think of another project! So much for impressing my new staff!
I learned “old and dry clay” cannot be used to create usable objects. I realized, through this, God needed me to be supple and moldable in order for Him to be able to use me.  New clay is uncontaminated and pliable but clay that has been stored incorrectly is not usable.  It is our responsibility to make sure we are utilizable vessels for God and part of that responsibility is ensuring that we protect ourselves from becoming “stiff” and “stale” and unusable.
God also impressed upon me that He never gives up on us.  Even though there was a time in my life when I was not in the “right” place for God to use me, He did not: throw away the “clay” like I did when I thought it was useless and I was unwilling to wait for it to be restored.

Prayer for today: Father, Thank you for having patience with me and loving me through a time of rebellion.  Thank you for your grace and forgiveness.  Help me, Lord, to remain close to you, abiding in your perfect love and staying pliable and ready for your use. My desire is to be used by you and to be ready and willing for your perfect plan.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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