We can not earn our way into heaven!

Tuesday February 14 2012

Ephesians 2:9. “Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”

So it doesn’t matter how hard you try to win God’s favor, it will never be enough to enter into eternity with Him.  He has already paid the whole price and all we have to do is accept him and come to him through the blood of Jesus Christ. So don’t run around trying to win a place in heaven, just “stand” and let Him forgive you and save you.

He saves us because he is a merciful God and it is only by His grace that we can be saved. We cannot take credit for our eternal life.  Can you imagine what heaven would be like if we had to earn our place there?  I fear there would be bragging and boasting and some would feel like they deserved to be on a higher level than others.  Instead, none of us really deserve to be redeemed, we are all sinners but the wonderful news is that Christ died for our sins and made atonement for us, He is the ultimate sacrifice and so our freedom from death is a free gift because God loves us just the way he created us
My friend, take comfort in the fact that God loves you, Christ died for you and you can know the wondrous love of the Father and all the good things that He has prepared for you here and for eternity and all you have to do is accept Him.

Prayer for today: Dear Lord Jesus, You have made it so easy for me to know you and I am thankful that you love me without me trying to please you. Lord, I also know that as I grow in my spiritual walk with you, my desire is to be more Christ like and in order to do that, I want to do things that will bless you. So in my feebleness, I desire to do good things for you and I pray as I take action to please you, my faith will increase,  thereby showing others that you are a God of love and forgiveness. Help me to be active for you, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

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