God shows mercy to those he wants to show mercy to.

Wednesday February 15 2012
Romans 9:17 & 18.
“For the scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, “ I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you, and so that my fame might spread throughout the earth.” 18) So you see, God shows mercy to some just because he wants to, and he chooses to make some people refuse to listen.”

Are you frustrated because you have a loved one that is not listening to you as you profess salvation and urge him/her to accept Jesus as their Saviour. If the time is not right for that person to accept the “gift” then all your talking will do no good.

 The Bible says, “They will know we are Christians by our love.” It is not the “preaching” we do that brings many to know Him but the love we show, this is what enables God to be displayed in a tangible way so that others may know there is something special and different in being a child of God.

God is ultimately in control!  For our own satisfaction we want to do God’s will. “God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (1Peter 3:9) and yet here, it seems, that predestination controls all.  

Even though God is always in control, He allows us to make our own choices.  Many times we bring about our own demise by making bad choices.  Usually it is because we did not consult with God before the decision was made.

This was not God’s intention. Humanity was created in the image of God and was meant to acknowledge and consult the Creator on all things. Instead, human beings have claimed their destiny as a man made responsibility, making all decisions without consulting God.  As a result, many bad things are happening to people and everyone has questions. “How can a loving God allow these things to happen?”  We are so far removed, in this old sinful world, from what it was created for.  We have wandered so far from the “path” of created intention and many of our children are not even aware there is a Creator who  loves them.

Despite the choices of humanity, we are still created in God’s image and therefore we know He loves us, however, He chooses who receives his mercy and some of us are here just to  display His power. When we choose to follow him, we know that He is always and ultimately in control and so we don’t worry or fret because things don’t always go our way. It is an awesome comfort to realize God is in control and that he loves us no matter what.

Prayer for today: Thank-you, Lord for being in control and lavishing me with your love. You are an unchanging God and I know I can always depend on you. I want to return your love, Lord so I ask you to guide me and look to you for direction. Help me to be patient with others as you are patient with me. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

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