Strengthening of Character

A Weekend Thought  February 12 2012

Strength of character:  “One who is not afraid to stand for truth or by his/her convictions, who is moral, just, kind, honest and displays integrity and fairness.”

Paul also says that character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation.  As my years increase, so does my longing to be with Jesus.  There is not a shred of doubt in me that Heaven is my final destination. I have more confidence in that truth now than I did when I was younger. Perhaps, through the years, a strengthening of character has, and is, developing. 

When I was a youth I had doubts about my salvation because of the absence of faith.  This was also evident in the way I lived my life, often making unwise choices which resulted in consequences that were unpleasant, to say the least.  Even though I accepted the Lord at a very young age and knew the truth, I chose to wander on the “wide” path for some time.  When I rededicated my life to Jesus, it was the beginning of wisdom.  Even though I made numerous bad choices during that rebellious time, I am thankful for the experiences I encountered because it enables me to empathize with others who are in the same predicament and it helps me not to be critical or judgmental of them.

As I learn to walk the path that is chosen for me by the Saviour, I am gaining confidence and with it comes endurance and strengthening of character. I am so thankful that God, in his love and compassion, invested time in me to teach me and grant me the wisdom to make the right choices.  He is waiting for you as well. If you’ve been making choices, which have not been beneficial for you, and you need to turn your life around and travel the narrow path that the lord has for you, do it while there is time and learn to reap the benefits of being in "that" place.

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