The art of Listening!

Wednesday June 12 2012:

Proverbs 10:19.  “Don’t talk too much, for it fosters sin.  Be sensible and turn off the flow.”

I find this a difficult proverb to follow and yet, as I look back on my life, I see many instances where my submission to it, would have greatly benefited me.
Sometimes, we say things that are deemed as wise and this is where we should stop.  Many of us don’t need much encouragement to continue on and on and on.......... and soon we destroy and muddle the initial message by superfluous prattle!   When this happens, our listener is soon turned off and forgets what the kernel of wisdom even was.

Sometimes it behooves us to keep totally silent and pray for wisdom before answering or advising.  In doing this, we discover our wisdom or advice is not required and this allows the other person to learn the lesson that God is teaching them.  We, in turn, benefit by learning a valuable lesson ourselves!

Prayer for today: Father, God, you know how foolish I can be sometimes when I disregard the inner voice inside that tells me to keep quiet. Help me to remember that other people are blessed with wisdom and I don’t know as much as I often think I do.  Help me to be a better listener and less of a talker unless I hear from you that I need to speak. In Jesus name, Amen.

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