God inhabits our praise!

Wednesday June 6 2012:

Psalm 33:1-3.  1)“Let the godly sing with joy to the Lord, for it is fitting to praise him. 2) Praise the Lord with melodies on the lyre;  make music for him on the ten stringed harp. 3) Sing new songs of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp and sing with joy.”

Music is a gift from God!  Even in the book of Genesis, we read that Pharaoh’s courts sang praises about Sarai because of her beauty.  This tells us music was used as an expression of love and admiration even then.  It is an inherent part of worship.  The Lord loves our songs of praise.  I have discovered when I feel weary and sad, a song to the Lord changes my demeanor.  When I start to sing, the depression disappears and my attitude changes to one of joy and elation!
David loved music.  The Psalms are mostly a collection of praise and worship!  God inhabits our praise, He is pleased when we sing praises to Him! Singing praises is an important component of worshipping the Lord. We are instructed to sing praises and play instruments to honour God and glorify Him!

Prayer for today:  Thank you, Lord for our voices that enable us to sing praises to you and to glorify you.  Help me to be more like David who was uninhibited by peer pressure that tried to squelch his public praises.  He was overflowing with joy because of your presence with him and displayed his joy by playing instruments and singing and dancing for your glory.  Lord, you are great and greatly to be praised, help me to praise you with everything I have and bring honour and glory to your holy name. In Jesus name, Amen.


  1. Prayer is needed for a family about to lose their home

  2. Adena, I read your posts everyday. And now I am asking a particular request. Please pray for my children, they need the Lord's intervention. He has lost his job and nothing seems to be turning up. We have prayed and trusted God. Please help.
