One perspective!

Tuesday August 28 2012:

Matthew 7:20.  “.......The way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit that is produced.”

We bought a beautiful new portable printer the other day.  It was quite expensive with a sleek appearance, the size was what attracted us to this particle model, and it was exactly the right size for our RV life style. Since we already purchased a new digital camera, we wanted to print our own photographs.  We were amazed at the quality of the pictures it produced; realistic skin tones, vivid color and sharp lines.

The problem, however, was it  did not have enough power to feed the heavy photograph paper through the cogs.
 We always had to apply extra pressure to enable the paper to catch and it often got caught which caused the ink to blot in the workings and then we had black liquid blotches on the next few copies. 

Finally in exasperation, we called the manufacturer to ask what we were doing wrong. The conclusion was that this particular printer was not designed to feed photograph paper or card stock paper through the print process.  We returned our purchase and exchanged it for a cumbersome printer that doesn’t look as nice or is as sleek but it does a great job!

I was reminded through this little exercise that people are often like that.  Although we are often attracted to good-looking people, it is not the outward appearance that is important, it is what is inside that counts or is important.  Thank God that he judges us by what is in the heart and not our outward appearance.

Prayer for today:  Heavenly Father, thank you for not judging us by our outward appearance but rather what is in the heart.  Help me to do a better job of accepting people, not only by their looks but help me to take the time to get to know them and know their hearts as you do, Lord.  Forgive me for hastily dismissing some people on their appearance alone.  Thank you Jesus for being our example and accepting and loving the poor and needy. In Jesus name, Amen.

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