Watch your language!

Wednesday August 15 2012:

Colossians 4:5-6.  “Live wisely among those who are not Christians, and make the most of every opportunity.  Let your conversation be gracious and effective so that you will have the right answer for everyone.”

I was taken out to brunch the other morning.  As we sat in the booth waiting for our food, my companion, who is not a believer, overheard two men who were sitting across from us.  It sounded like two pastors discussing other denominations. 
In their conversation they proceeded to bad mouth faiths which they were apparently not part of.  The volume of their conversation was distinctly audible and my companion was immediately negative towards Christianity and especially these two men.  I believe they were Christians but in their zeal to defend their chosen faith, they neglected to be sensitive to those around them.  I believe the careless conversation of these two individuals had a negative impact on my non-Christian friend and affirmed his decision to remain a non-believer.

It taught me a valuable lesson in sensitivity toward those around me whether I know them or not.  I’m sure when we disagree with other Christians, we voice our opinion but our conversation for strangers to hear should be gracious and effective and generate positive attitudes towards others who are following a Bible believing faith. Even the religions we disagree with and perhaps don’t follow the Word of God, should be addressed with sensitivity and discretion.

Prayer for today:  Dear Jesus, thank you for helping me to be sensitive toward others.  Help me keep my conversation gracious and uplifting no matter where I am.  I want to be more like you Jesus.  When you spoke to the woman at the well, you did not put her down or bad mouth her for her lifestyle. You simply told her where to find peace and forgiveness.  Help me to show more Christian love to the friends and neighbors you have blessed me with. In Jesus name, Amen.

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