January 3, Adversity

January 3

Isaiah 30:20. “Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and affliction for  drink, He will still be with you to teach you.”

Aren’t you  glad that the Lord is faithful?  People often let you down  because we are all imperfect. Perhaps you have been let down or disappointed or hurt by someone in the distant past or recently. Putting all your faith and trust in another person can result in disappointment and hurt but there is one who will never let you down, who is always faithful and knows exactly what is best for you. This is Jesus Christ who promises to “stick” close to us, closer than a brother.
This is a wonderful promise because it tells us if we are in a state of adversity, whatever that may be, the Lord is with us and He is faithful.  He does not say we are exempt from tragedy and despair, but that He will be with us through it all.  Not only will He be with us and respond to our cries, He will use these experiences to teach us and help us become spiritually mature, thereby bringing us closer to Him, to his wounded side.  This is where we can truly feel close to Jesus because He knows better than anyone, the wounds of affliction and despair and every hurt known to us.  He lived on this earth and experienced every hurt that we can imagine and then he suffered all our sins on the cross, so He really does understand!
C.Spurgeon said, “Many people owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous afflictions.” 

It supports the idea that our lives are shallow and meaningless if we never experience adversity or affliction. 
I have learned through the years that all the sad times and sufferings I have experienced  have a purpose.  It is my responsibility to ask the Lord what that purpose is and then to seek wisdom and glean the learning that follows. 
So, my friend, if you are in a state of bereavement or feeling abandoned, ask the Lord what He wants you to learn by allowing you to go through this low time in your life. He will respond in His time and then you will experience such a wondrous feeling of accomplishment and purpose.

Prayer for today: Father, Thank you for walking with me through the deep waters in my life. Many times you needed to carry me because I could not manage to stay afloat without you.  Help me to look to you when life’s burdens are heavy and to keep my focus on you and not on myself. With your help, Lord, I can learn from my adversities and not waste time feeling sorry for myself.  Help me to learn what I need to learn and I will give you the honour and glory for you are a great and mighty God. In Jesus name, Amen.

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