
Thursday January 12 2012

Isaiah 30:26 - 29. “The moon will be as bright as the sun and the sun will be seven times brighter - like the light of seven days.  So it will be when the Lord begins to heal His people and cure the wounds He gave them.

Sometimes it may seem as if the night goes on forever and the absence of the brightness of day is never more to be, but God always sends the light.
Have you ever disciplined your children after they have misbehaved or had a temper tantrum, displaying defiance?  Have you ever had a “heated” argument with your spouse?  Do you remember the reconciliation time?  The sweetness of making up and the joy you felt after the “thing” was done?  Oh such sweetness! Often, after making up, relationships are better than they were before.
After straying from our Heavenly Father and experiencing the emptiness and  disappointment it brings, when we come in repentance and ask forgiveness,  He fills us with this joy.  He patiently waits to embrace and forgive us.  When our conscience is clear, the path opens for us to draw near to Him with a new joy that knows no guilt or condemnation. It is easy to let unforgiven sin come between the sweet relationship of Jesus and you.

 My Friend, ask the Lord to bring to mind any sin that has not been dealt with in your life, and deal with it once and for all! The Lord removes your sin as far as the east is from the west and He remembers it no more when we ask forgiveness. What a sweet joy he desires to implant in you!

Prayer for today:  Dear Lord, thank you for your sweet joy and peace. You are an awesome God and have the power to forgive and remove all sin from me.  I ask you today, draw me closer to you and keep me from straying from you.  In Jesus name , Amen.

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