

Isaiah 30:18
“But the Lord waits for you to come to Him so He can show you love and compassion.  For the Lord is a faithful God.  Blessed are those who wait for Him to help them.”

There was a time in my life when I wandered away from God. I often chose the “wide” road that ultimately leads to destruction. Many times because of the choices I made, I hurt others and  allowed the  gap between Jesus and me to grow very wide.

About this time, I was managing a ladies wear store but found myself becoming quite apathetic towards my job and one day my supervisor came in and informed me my services were no longer needed.  I was devastated and angry and somewhat depressed. I felt very sorry for myself and unjustly treated.  Several months later, I made a decision to complete my education that led to a degree that enabled me to become a teacher.  I spent many rewarding years teaching school and meeting wonderful children and colleagues.  During this time, I also renewed my relationship with Jesus. 
While I was experimenting with “worldly pleasures” the Lord was patiently waiting for me to return to Him.  It wasn’t Him who moved away from me it was my move that caused the “gap.” He had compassion on me in my rebellious state and it was His love that enabled me to return and ask forgiveness.  My relationship with Christ is the most important thing in my life and I am so thankful He is a faithful God who waits for us to come to Him.
 If you are out of fellowship with God, looking for satisfaction in worldly pleasures, you can be sure, it is leading to a “dead end” but He is waiting for you to ask Him to forgive you. He will bless you abundantly if you accept his way. It does not matter what you’ve done or how long you have been rebellious.  It only takes the desire and the act of asking Him to help you and forgive you then you need only wait on Him to receive His infinite love and compassion..

Prayer for today: Father, thank-you for being a forgiving God, one who forgives sins and never gives up on us. Forgive me for all the times I have not listened to your still small voice but instead, I have gone my own way.  I know I can be argumentative and stubborn at times and yet you have the patience and willingness to forgive me and wait for me to come to my senses. I want to stay close to you. Lord, and be under the shelter of your hand. Bring me close to you, never let me go.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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