How can we know right from wrong?

Wednesday March 7 2012

Ephesians 4:17-19 “The ungodly are hopelessly confused.  Their closed minds are full of darkness;  they are far away from the life of God because they have shut their minds and hardened their hearts against him.  They don’t care anymore about right or wrong, and they have given themselves over to immoral ways. Their lives are filled with all kinds of impurity and greed.”

Our society seems to reflect this and it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between right and wrong. We allow the demarcation line to become vague when we depend only on our selves to abide by God’s laws.

Although we are created with an instinctive knowledge of sin (Romans 2:15), as the chasm between the Creator and humanity increases, it becomes easier to justify evil deeds and the line between right and wrong grows faint.  The longer we stay in this state of sinfulness, the less we care about doing the right thing.  The result is confusion and this is not from God. God is not a God of confusion that is evident by creation because our natural world is orderly and logical.
It is through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we recognize sin and He gives us the desire to repent and ask Christ to forgive us. Then, we become a new person, righteous and holy in the sight of God.  We cannot become holy by ourselves but only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice. After we accept His forgiveness, the Holy Spirit enters into our lives and enables us to distinguish the light from the darkness, thereby giving us wisdom to make right choices in our walk with God.
So, you see, we don’t have to remain in a state of confusion but through the acceptance of Jesus into our lives, and studying the word of God, we can become recognizers of sin and ambassadors for truth.

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, thank-you for being an orderly God. Thank-you for giving us a “blue-print” to help us live the way we should each day.  We are not even aware of the intricate and perfect synchronization of your marvelous works and yet  the weaknesses of human beings continue to interrupt your beautiful handi-work by trying to gain control and alter your perfection in the name of greed and immorality.  Help me to reverence you by spending time in your Word and being aware of your guidelines in my life.  In Jesus name, amen.

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