The ultimate sacrifice

Thursday   March 29 2012

Acts 10:43.  “He is the one all the prophets testified about, saying that everyone who believes in Him will have their sins forgiven through His name.”

We are all sinners.  Romans 3:23, “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” 

 Jesus never refuses to forgive and He is our model and example to imitate and strive to be like.  

Before Christ died on the cross, forgiveness of sins required sacrificing perfect animals or specific grains, as outlined in Deuteronomy. It was a long arduous task and the preciseness of the act was exact, as God gave instructions.
Human beings were not capable of carrying out the plans of God and soon faltered under the law by negligence or becoming legalistic. The sins of the people were only covered by the blood of the sacrifices. God, in his mercy, provided a way for us to be without blemish, in his sight, by sacrificing the ultimate perfect Lamb, his son, Jesus Christ. That sacrifice made it possible to remove our sins completely.
 For us, it is easy but the price that was paid was the most costly sacrifice. We can never underestimate the sacrifice that was paid for our redemption.

Prayer for today: Thank you; Father, for the ultimate sacrifice of your son who took all my sins upon himself so that I could be forgiven by accepting your son, Jesus Christ.  I can’t even comprehend how much love you displayed for me, to sacrifice your only son so that I would be blameless in your sight, because you could not look upon the sinfulness of man.  Help me to strive to be what you want me to be and seek your face every day to know you more and be in your perfect will. In Jesus name, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. new tho't for me -
    animal sacrifices would only 'cover' our sins whereas Christ's blood 'removes' our sin -
    as far as the east is from the west!

    thank you, Jesus
