A Poem to share with you!

Weekend Read July 28 2012:

The year our son was taken from our family, Christmas was a little less festive.  Although we still had a joyous time with the grandchildren, Drew’s Dad and myself felt his absence.  On Christmas Eve we were standing by the front window waiting for the festivities to begin and the children to start arriving, when right in front of our eyes, under the huge spruce tree in our yard we saw him!

The Pheasant Visit:
I had a visitor today, before Christmas day
What a wonderful blessing, sent by God
To say, “He loves me”
To confirm his presence
To bring peace, joy, contentment
But most of all, beauty
What an awesome privilege
To behold the beauty of this wonderful creature.

There he sat - under the branches
Protected by the canopy of green
Brilliant colors, blue, green, red and brown
Long flowing tail feathers
Gentle as a lamb
Just sitting there; in all his splendor
For so long a time
So I could watch and appreciate
The beauty of what God gave
On December 24 1998.
( Is it a confirmation of the beauty of my precious son, Drew?)

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