You can be perfect in God's eyes!

Tuesday July 17 2012:

Romans 3:23, “We are made right in God’s sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins.  And we can all be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done.”

As a teacher, I often found it necessary to have a talk with myself regarding students who took advantage of me.  I remember a grade six boy who inevitably would do things to get my “goat.”  Many times I struggled with myself and asked God for the desire to forgive and forget about this boy’s pranks and escapades. He had gained a reputation in the school as being  “trouble” so I decided to invest some time getting to know him and perhaps I could figure out why he was like this.  As I became better acquainted with him and his family, I realized why he behaved as he did and as I started to understand him, he changed and started to try to please me.  By Christmas, I had gained enough trust for him to realize I would  treat him fairly and we started on the road to a relationship that was healthy and co-operative.  It gave me great pleasure to write his final report card with positive remarks.  I saw him as a potential success in the years ahead. I believe God sees us as potential perfect lives when we come to Christ for forgiveness.

We are all guilty of sin in our lives, no one is perfect.  And none of us can ever do anything to erase that sin from our lives.  It can only be done by the one and only sacrifice of Jesus Christ who shed his perfect blood as a sacrifice for each one of us.  When we ask forgiveness, he takes all our sins and makes everything right between God and us.  After, God sees us as perfect. 
There is forgiveness for everyone that comes in repentance.  Praise Jesus for his unspeakable gift of righteousness that makes us clean and able to stand before God in confidence to hear him say, “Come in thou good and faithful servant.” (Matt. 25:21)

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, I am so thankful that you see me as righteous.  Thank you for sending Jesus who forgives all my sins.  Help me to remain in Christ who is the forgiver even now, of all sin.  In your eyes I am perfect even though I’m not.  I want to praise you more, love you more, and serve you more.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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